

Sebayas are the result of one creatures code being corrupted as their home world of a simulation caught a virus. They most resemble those of canine creatures, thus being classified as a sort of breed and falling into the same category. They can be found while roaming in packs with an Alpha, or desestocated as household pets. A Sebaya lacks the appearance of eyes however remain genetically their, thus allowing them to see. Though they both lack the appearance of legs, as well as genetically. Small parts of their bodies at time may glitch away, but return to them without causing harm. However they will always have misplaced colors emitted, along with a transparent self adjacent to their body. At times their code as been known to mutate, resulting in various "traits"

Food Griffin Gryphon Griffen Sweets Griffon trade Cherry Feral chimkin UFT or S Chocolate chimkins