PlushCat42's Bulletins

Little Update!

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by PlushCat42

I will soon be posting and opening a YCH! However it will be for USD only, I will not accept anything else as payment since I need to make a source of minor income for now lol

It’ll probably be a headshot and prices will vary depending on how much needs to be changed, if y’all want it shared and how complex the design is.
If it’s too complex for me to even attempt recreating I will probably ask for another character or deny it. 

I will only talk specifics about this through discord due to being easier to send things through and send things watermarked through.

It will have regular updates to say when I’ve closed it and when it’s reopened to avoid burnout and being overwhelmed if the numbers get high enough and whatnot. 

Though y’all can ask for multiple if you want. 

Ayo any Isle Players?

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by PlushCat42

I got the isle a few days ago and wanna know if there are any other peeps who like playing it so I can get a bigger group of fellow Isle players :>

I’m best at the Dilo when it comes to fighting but I also play the Cerato and Allo for carnis and my favorite Herbi rn is the Pachy :>

Help Pls ;-;

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by PlushCat42

Idk how the fuck to code my profile and all the tutorials I find are for Characters

I swear I'm losing my mind trying to code my profile and not knowing how, I feel stupid getting so upset about it. I just wanna make my Toyhouse pretty, not have a breakdown repeatedly failing to figure it out ;-;

Sobing /lh

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by PlushCat42

My friend has gotten me into Royal High to the point where I unironically enjoy it and now I have characters on there that I genuinely wanna make into OCs ;-;

How have I fallen to this level?


Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by PlushCat42

These are all Change Petitions for the murder of Shannon Watts, her two daughters and unborn son.
One is to confiscate Chris’s picture of his wife she children which he Murdered from his cell. The other is to put a law in the state where he was charged so that he can be charged for the murder of his unborn child; while I am Pro Choice it was obvious Shannon wanted to keep the Child and should be viewed as a murder. 

The third is to reopen the case and look into Chris’s mistress Nicole as I wholeheartedly believe she was in on the murder and there at the home on the day of the murder.

If you decide to research this case be careful, as I said it involves the murder of young children. 

Small Update!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by PlushCat42

I’ve got a new Original Species on the way!!!

It’s an old species that I decided to rehaul and whatnot, they’re called Lurkers! They’re monstrous boyes who live primarily in forests and around caves. They’re predators but tamable, even if it is difficult.
I hope you all enjoy them when I finish them :>
they have a good group of variants but the first two I’ll be working on fully is going to be Brutes and Scouts 

Sorry for the Notif Spam!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by PlushCat42

I’m trying to clean out my TBN folder right now as well as work on different bases. Of the notification I like sending out for when a TBN character is named gets too annoying feel free to just say so here and I’ll stop ^^
There’s a lot of unnamed characters in my TBN folder


Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by PlushCat42

Hai! Sorry for the inactivity on the front of bulletins and replying to any comments! I’ll try and do better about that. I just wanted to swing by any give some updates about my Toyhouse. As well as some minor news as well  

I have reorganized some folders mainly Humanoid and Other. They have more subfolders for the sake of organization.

Alongside that if you see a design missing, not to worry! I have an unlisted folder called the “Rethinking Folder” where I do down and question of I really need those characters. Some may go back to their original place, others may go into the OTA folder with the requirement that they be traded back to me if no longer wanted. 

I’m sure you all have noticed more activity in the OTA folder and a new Folder called Etherum and it’s subfolders.

I’ve been trying to get more adopts and my designs out for actual sale rather than this being just a massive storage page for my characters.
and as for the new folder, I’ve decided to post my slow development on the original world and series I hope to one day make as well as keep anything for it sorted(hence the ’character’ which keeps track of its members). As for anything I post y’all are free to comment on the characters; questions, general comments and criticism(if you ask, I’m weird about that), ETC.
On the same topic as that, I may also make bulletins, stories and even a little world surrounding its development later on as I want to chronicle it’s development as progress is made and things are refined.

That’s all I have for y’all! I hope you have a great day or night!


In Reference to my Original Story

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by PlushCat42

I was wondering if I should find some way to post it here.

Perhaps I could make a World where I post updates and potential concepts for it?

I hope to one day at least turn it into a written story. 

I’ll never understand

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by PlushCat42

The picky eaters in Dont Starve



I get it but y’all don’t have time to be picky about what you’re eating


You don’t have the resources to turn your nose up at certain types of food and the ways some meals are prepared. Just suck it up and just be happy that you’ve got at least something for sustenance


The beings that out your in this game could have easily removed all sources of food just to watch you starve to death over and over for its own amusement

I think you’ll be fine eating a little meat morsel or a vegetable