PurifiedLeaf's Bulletins

So here's a quick life update to know what's going on. Firstly, I've recently gone back to college to try and pursue fine arts again. For the past two years, I've been taking a school break to see if I could do anything without a degree and to get money with work. Unfortunately, there's a lack of jobs where I live, so I've had no luck outside of art, and even commissions weren't paying the bills, so starting in June, I went back to campus. Summer classes are shorter, sure, but that means that twice the work you have to do in less than the usual time, so I've yet to actually draw or do what I want. The only day I am guaranteed free time is Saturday, with the rest of the week dedicated to class. This means I will be offline more often and will take longer to respond to messages, especially mid-morning and afternoon. Courses end within a month, so after July, I should be back to my regular schedule unless I take the fall semester immediately after. 

Secondly, I take quite a bit of time to draw when it comes to commissions, trades, and things that I like to make. My ADHD is a factor, but there might be other reasons. I don't have much motivation to draw what I'm not interested in, and my attention shifts greatly depending on the time of day. Commissions easily span from less than a few hours to months, which isn't a good record. Lifting my pen takes so much energy out of me. I can't describe it as laziness either since I genuinely want to draw, but I just can't. My medication helps keep me on track, but I want to apologize for the time I'm taking to finish the arts. To fix this, I've decided only to take five monthly commissions and no more than that.

You also may have noticed that i buy/sell alot of characters in a short period. Usually, my idea is to get a character I like so I can use it in my stories later. Still, all characters I buy are generally put in the tent folder, which doesn't mean I want to resell them; it's that I haven't figured out what I want to do or am not too attached, so there's still an opportunity to get them from me before eventual forever-homing. If not that, then I'm in a financial issue, and selling characters is an option to sustain myself. There are no hard feelings or ill intent with it; it is just situational. I'm also more likely not to sell designs that I've made myself unless I'm aware they're going to a good home than my box. 

Emergency Commissions/Sales

Posted 8 days, 17 hours ago by PurifiedLeaf

Recently I went back to school and because I am jobless I quickly ran out of funds to support myself. I need money to continue getting supplies and food, so for the first time I am opening up commissions properly on site, also selling characters again, discounted from their usual resale total. Please use this link for my current prices and feel free to ask questions


Looking for codes and CSS

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by PurifiedLeaf

Yall know some really good codes I can update my page with, as much as I love this one it's not really mobile friendly XD

I have a coupl good ones but they're more for characters- OOOOOOO IF THERES ONE WITH PASTEL IN IT SHOW ME

Also how do you put icons of friends in codes- I'm still learning-

Hand healed!

Posted 2 months, 10 days ago by PurifiedLeaf

My hands better! I'm back to drawing!♡♡

Unable to draw - hand wound

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by PurifiedLeaf

yeah uhh- i cut my thumb while trying to slice potatoes. its gonna take a few days to properly head but until then i really cant pick up a pencil. (i tried, its painful)


the potato chips werent worth it either i burnt them....

Future Blacklist

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by PurifiedLeaf

Making a blacklist of some people I've unfortunately come to cross paths with who werent so great. Users on the blacklist have a legitimate reason to be avoided such as scamming, foul behavior, harrassment and more. So far theres only one person on my blacklist that i'll get into more detail later. Unsure if the blacklist should be here or on a DNI carrd

Also in the future i will make a DNI list since i absolutely hate drama and want none of it near me. I just wanna vibe and make cute art qwq


Posted 2 months, 22 days ago by PurifiedLeaf


I reached 1000 subscribers! This is an amazing Milestone for me, thank you all for getting me there!♡♡♡ a thank you animation will be there soon to celebrate!Screenshot_20240322_150036_YouTube.jpg?e

OC QNA - talk to my ocs!♡

Posted 2 months, 28 days ago by  PureLeaf PurifiedLeaf

I like doing a QnA most of the time, this'll be open forever, feel free to ask an oc of mine a question and they will respond!

Example: "hey [Ruby], what's your favorite color?

I like how I can respond in character with a comment so this should be fun


Hey there! a friend of mine Zillaborg has one of her Rare Protogens up for offers! https://toyhou.se/21203465.for-sale-rare-protogen its really cool and has alot of love behind it, go check it out!~

the proto is also in the official masterlist of ZOR https://zoruniverse.info/ 

Protogen are an open species made by CoolKoinu

Rare Protogen are closed