The Sims

The Sims 2


Finious Shields

Sims 2 PSP

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The Sims 3

Taking place in Sunset Valley, the young Kristopher Crow is the last remnant of his family. Baby Kristopher was spared the capital punishment that his other relatives received for their heinous crimes. He is now old enough to claim his family's old house, finding that their old basement was largely untouched by the authorities. Will Kristopher and his descendants re-discover the evil that lurks beneath?


Kristopher Crow

"Lonely Man" . Male . Founder

Kristopher finds himself in his old family home all alone as a new adult. His new neighbour Madison VanWatson seems very interested in scoping out the place. She's sure that she has already seen his dog with someone else in town.


Sebastian Crow

Resurrected Ghost . Male . Gen 2

Kristopher unlocked the power of the basement, which may have had an adverse affect on his firstborn child. The house set fire on Sebastian's birthday and he has never been quite right since. Evil and smart, he pulls an imaginary friend into reality. He continues to experiment until Madison uses the power for herself and accidentally kills him with a meteor. Upon being resurrected, he makes his family wish that he had stayed dead.


Puzzle Crow

Dead Creator . Female . Imaginary Friend

Puzzle was always there for Sebastian whilst he was growing up, valuing his determination to bring her into the real world. Everything changes when her creator dies and she finds herself alone as a supernatural being without her maker. Will the passage of time stop her reconnecting with the newly resurrected Sebastian?

The Sims 4

Paranoid conspiracy theorist Tess Morin moves to StrangeVille, desperate to uncover it's secrets. It turns out that heavy investigating still requires funds however, with the appearance of a strange new roommate. Is there now reason to investigate those around her?


Tess Morin

StrangeVille Saviour . Female . Founder

Don't hug Tess, she's absolutely planting a recording device onto you. Tess has dirt on everyone in town, so much so it covers up her affair with celebrity Dirk Dreamer.


Niko Morin-Dreamer

age . gender . adjective

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Christina Morin-Dreamer

age . gender . adjective

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Sammy Morin-Dreamer

age . gender . adjective

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