
Nembra are a closed species developed by Arcadine. They are a canine-like species that are about the size of an ancient dire wolf. They are sleeker and much slender than dire wolves, but some have the same amount of muscle and bulk mainly resting in their chests and back legs. They are characterized by their ability to use magic, their tapered ears, their long tails dragging on the ground, and by their civil war. There are Southern and Northern Nembra where Northern Nembra have fur coats and Southern Nembra have feather coats. The Southerners and Northerners are at war due to their conflicting beliefs on the Gods that exist in their worlds. While the Southerns believe in Madard as a supreme God, the Northerns believe in an assortment of deities. These deities have the ability to bestow magical characteristics and blessings on everyday Nembra. This can be seen in obvious things such as a third eye or wings. Divine intervention can also been seen in more subtle things such as pelt color or fur texture. Nembra revolve around their belief in religion and worship of their Gods.

My Nembra will take place in the Nembra world as a unnatural child born of the magic from two conflicting gods. Madard and the Red God are two conflicting forces within the Nembra world, akin to Jesus Christ and Lucifer. Although, it is important to note that although my Nembra will take place in the Nembra head space publicly, their design is what is important to me. Privately, they have their own stories and universes. Although this will remain private out of respect for the Nembra community.