REDs33sALL's Bulletins

Cheap Closed Species Adopts Open

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago by REDs33sALL

These are my Timons I created.

There is a place where most people in the world are called collectors. There you can find some of the most fascinating beings called 'Timons'. Though they are not treated like humans by collectors. They too, are collected. Like trinkets sold at auction, Timons are very valuable because their unique clear hourglass bodies are nearly unbreakable and store most anything. Why "nearly" unbreakable you ask? A happy Timon is a strong Timon, but a sad or hurt one is easily broken. Sold to the highest bidders, traded, and even stolen. They're used to store various items such as collected elements, animals, and valuables. Stolen Timons are the unlucky few, for they are unloved and become weak. Leaving them vulnerable to shatter. They lose their value after their hourglass has become defective. They are empty and unwanted. Collectors call them 'Voids'. An empty shell of what once was. They are rare and often unseen.

* All hourglass' are transparent.
* They can hold anything.
* Height ranges from 5'4 to 5'8.
* The Collectors can be you, your oc, or someone else's oc.
* The Collector decides if their Timon is clothed or not.
* A Timon can be repaired if cracked, but not after shattering.

Donate Art to RLC Contest??

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by REDs33sALL

Just as it says. I'm holding a contest on DA. Wondering if any artists would like to donate their skills?

Contest ends Dec. 31st, so there is plenty of time to think about it.

I'm including headshots, a bust and money bc it's my contest. One deviant is offering a halfbody, bust and fullbody sketch. 

You're also welcome to enter the contest yourself.

Donate and Enter

Draw My OC Contest on DA: $100 Prize

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by REDs33sALL

Here's the link if any one is interested in entering or donating art as prizes.


Red Panda Adopt

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by REDs33sALL

You can check her out on my DA. Paypal or points. Http://

$2 Set. Adopts for Sale [Open 2/3]

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by REDs33sALL

Created some adopts. Only 2 dollars.


Art Fight

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by REDs33sALL

Holiday Creature Orbs

Adopt here

*Please do not steal, copy or trace. Thank you. ^_^