
A particular category in which houses Myets delve into darker power, though not all consists of demonic and evil doings. Occult Myets are often sought out by those who are into the occults themselves, these Myets are powerful and are known to be quite aggressive at times if not trained properly. Properly trained Occult Myets can be quite useful especially in darker territories of Mythos.



Wiccan Myets are often if not always sought out by those who practice Wicca, varying on which aspects in accordance with the Sun and Moon respectively. This also relates to which Wiccan Myet is seen depending on the time of day, only being able to see both groups during the dusk or dawn. Though most exhibit fire and ice powers, some Wiccan Myets host a bunch of other types of powers such as plant and water. Wiccan Myets are recommended companions for starters who decide they want an Occult category Myet.


Like most types in this category, Necromancy Myets are sought out by those who mainly practice Necromancy. Myets of this type tend to be well known for having resurrecting capabilities, they were also well known to be able to in general communicate with the dead. These types are primarily psychic as they also seem to have some phantom-like abilities as well, some seek these Myets out in order to possibly speak to deceased loved ones. Necromancy Myets are not recommended as companions mainly due to their nature and abilities.


Those who own Satanic Myets do not always own them willingly, by nature Satanic Myets will enter a person’s home and take up residence. Much like a parasite, though there are those who seek to own a Satanic Myet themselves being mainly those os Satanic worship. Satanic Myets are the most aggressive out of all the Occult types and takes a firm hand to win power over them, they are also the weakest to types from the Spiritual Category. Myets in this type used mainly dark powers and dwell at night in the shadows.


Alchemy Myets are always sought out mostly by those who study and practice alchemy, these hearty Myets are able to use a large ray of abilities. Alchemy Myets are also fairly tanky, being the strongest in forms of defense in this category alone. Alchemists use these Myets for defensive purposes along with being able to revert back any possible wrong damages they have done during a creation gone wrong. These Myets are mild-tempered and seem to make good companions.