
This category holds Myets in which hold holy power, ranging from a few types of attacks. Sought out mostly by those of religious faith, not all Spiritual Myets are owned by people who go to church. These Myets are mainly used to ward off dangerous spirits and also used to chase out unwanted Satanic Myets that invade a home uninvited.



Relic Myets are known for being ancient, these hard to find Myets are sought after for their rarity. Not much is known about these types, however those who have them tend to say they are more of a shy type. Some say these Relic Myets appear only during the lunar or solar eclipse, however, it has been proven that they appear whenever but hold sentimental value when an eclipse occurs.


The strongest of the Spiritual Myets, these beings hold great holy power amongst others in their category. Paladin Myets can be obvious or deceiving depending which ones you come across, so they should not be taken lightly. These creatures tend to stay high up in the mountains, said to be as close to the sky as they can. Though these Myets have also been seen in forests and on mountain paths, saying seeing one is a blessing.


Ancile Myets are very hearty creatures in terms of defensive measures, being seen protecting smaller Myets. These Myets are masters of camouflage and tend to hide in plain sight, not being a confrontational type much like Astrology Myets. Ancile Myets are used along with Kirpan Myets to guard temples and tombs from thieves.


Kirpan Myets are highly confrontational as they will not hesitate to attack intruders who come into their territory or where they guard with Ancile Myets. Known for their precision strikes, any direct hit from a Kirpan Myets could be deadly so it is advised that people take precaution when confronting them.