OC Tournament

OC Tournament

"What if I just take all my OCs and make them punch eachother?"

  • RATING: PG-13
  • GENRE(S): Fighting
  • WARNINGS: None

Held every 4 years by the Lucky Monkey Casino Company, the OC Tournament is a fighting tournament that's open to anybody. Hosted by N.T. Prize, a corrupt gajillionaire, the prize for the tournament is literally anything somebody could ask for. You want fame? You got it. You want a girlfriend? Sure. You want to take over a small country? Fine. You'd be surprised what money can buy you.

All of the characters here (or at least most of them) are competing in said tournament for a variety of different reasons. Not all are out to win, some have ulterior motives. Throw in a leather-clad race of furry aliens and a parasitic fungus hell-bent on consuming the Universe, and things get pretty messy.

Worldbuilding/ Lore

Code by AviCode