Frost and Flame

Long ago, two brothers were known as The Great Flame and The Great Frost. The two brothers had traveled far in search of their own territory after hearing the tales of legendary warriors, and mighty clans who ruled alongside a beautiful lake.

They strived for their own sense of purpose within their world. Guided by that of Starclan, they eventually found their way to a vast territory, part of it was the cold north, and mountains that kissed the skies. While the other part was the warm south, vast plains as far as the eyes could see, and beautiful woodlands surrounding it.

Set between the two territories was a large white tree with striking red leaves. The Moon Tree, they called it. The place where they could speak with their ancestors.

And so from the stars came their warrior ancestors, blessing the brothers with the gift of 9 lives and saying, “From your blood shall come the warriors of Frost and Flame.”

Originally, the brothers were chosen as co-leaders, something rarely heard of. But it was Starclans belief that the two would balance one another out and that the clan would thrive under both. Two sides of the same coin. But it was not so. The brothers were so different that they could not rise eye to eye. Maybe they just refused to, due to each's own pride? Either way, the clan split. Each to follow the path they thought was right.

Flamestar was the fire. He was fierce and passionate, always giving his life to his clan. He was warm, loving, and kind. He had an aura that made you feel safe. But like all flames, he could be brutal and charming. One thing was for certain, he did not hold his emotions back. The good, and the bad. He and his followers believed that giving their all and laying themselves bare to the heat and thrall of life would put them above all the rest.

Froststar, on the other paw, well he was cool and collected. He was the ice to his brother's fiery wrath. He believed that showing one's strong emotions would lead to rash behaviors and bad choices. So he and his followers practiced meditation in the cold to calm their unbridled heat. Over the years, they got so good at it and truly believed their way was the only way.

And so the clans split, with Flamestar going to the South and Froststar to the north.

Now hundreds of seasons later, the clans are still thriving but with a new threat on the horizon. Will they continue to remain divided, or unite against a common threat that could threaten to destroy them once and for all?