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18+ | Dystopian Cyberpunk Thriller | Trigger warnings: Extreme violence, sexual references, Drugs


NS_347 had never been a safe city; from the crooked faction of NS_South, built from the slum craps that tower haphazardly over NS_West; to the underground crime that runs rampent in the east and north. But nobody expected the danger to swamp to city centre where the society is at it's safest and people live their lives ignorant of the rampent corruption surrounding them. However, after a series of disappearance catch the eye of the city police force, it is up to young detective Il Seokyeon to cover up the secrets linked to Moriarty Alarie's Palace De Dieu...

"Recently having returned to the police force, Il Seokyeon was young and naive, it wasn't right to abuse his vulnerability the way they did... How did they expect him to come back in one piece?"

"They say you should cherish the beautiful things in life, as every flower withers with time... Joohyun had an ugly mind, one that was darkened by the world around him, yet rotten and cold, I wanted it near me as much as the beauty of his body..."

"Follow the white rabbit to a field of butterflies and broken glass. Perhaps the view will be so mesmerizingly beautiful you wont notice the bloody trail you leave behind..."

"Why was Seokyeon given to Hansol? To care for him? As company? There was no reason to associate the two.. you just killed an innocent boy, I hope you're happy..."

Azezel Pa

Welcome to the Palace de Dieu

"It took him 6 months to tell the others his name... in that time they called him Mimic.... His emotions.. they were never quite there, never really genuine... all his actions, expressions, gestures, they were mimics of what a person should be... Underneth that mask was nothing..."

" She is a gem, one you look at but do not touch, no you never touch her, for she is priceless, and your delicate hand amongst her skin could break your finger..."

"He is too young, too young to be fraternising with the likes of Moriarty Alarie, definitely too young to be killing for him. But what Jin lacked in life skills, he excelled in with his passion and maturity."

" Sometimes you judge a book by it's cover, and sometimes you judge a book by it's first chapter. The mystery of Geumjae Dareung is burnt from his pages, how do you judge something that is constantly changing?"

" There is something off about Rain, havent you noticed? He seems... happy? Maybe? I saw him smile today, do you know whats going on?"


It may be a pretty shit city.. but it's our city

18+ | Dystopian horror | Trigger warnings: Extreme violence, body horror


"Welcome to the land of the living"

Do you know what it feels like to die? Well... Those who tell you death is painless are lying, and those who tell you coming back from death is painless, they are delusional.

Welcome to X, the nameless city created by a manmade synapse. We thought we were saving ourselves by escaping here, but from the start, it was obvious we had been killing ourselves all along...

"Welcome to X, a city run by thehand of The Oculi. Those who live here live a life in lose in a world no better then the one they were trying to escape from... Living is robotic under the harsh rules of the Governing Dynasties. Rebelions are far from uncommon, desiring a free life tends to lead people into the hands of the Artifex, or those who prefer the challenge of breaking the rules entirely find themselves eager to be noticed by the notorious Obitus - that is of course, if they are sane enough to think for themselves still after the physical and mental effects of Day 0. Those who can't, are thrown in The Pit. However not is all bad within walls, the Amare strive for healing of the broken, and the Reus take from the rich using their own elevated societal status, and give in turn to the less fortunate. Society is split, each faction driven apart like cracks in a mirror, the splintered fragments slowly pulling lives further apart..."

The Artifex

"The Artifex are rebels, violent and unhumane individuals..." That's what the Oculi tries to convince us; we are however, smart enough to know the good willed precense of the Artifex within our city walls. They are the outcasts of our society, those who the Oculi strikes down when the eye catches them. Most are indeed ruthless, though they fight for the cause of the commoners that grovel below the Dynasties and governers that run our city with an iron fist and a focused vision. Being an enemy of the Artifex is to have no ally within the slums, and to join the Artifex is to rebel, fight and die for a cause."

"Eugene Ito was one of the worst hit by the aftermath of day zero... though nobody calls him that anymore, he's just Deadbite now... a hollow cavern of what he was before, a shallow pit whose life left his body the day the world died..."

"Benjamin Church was once a boy, a kind boy, soft and sweet, when did he become such a paracite?"

"Ino is a strange mystery to all. Their face? Never seen! Voice? Never heard! But they are unique, violent in the way Deadbite innocently kills, but controlled in the way Cadaver is able to remain morally safe and sound..."

"Pukka is... hmm... Marmite: you either love her or hate her. A kind and gentle protective mother to those she takes under her wing... and a fucking nightmare for those she decides are not worth her time.."

The Reus

Trouble maker extraordinaires The Reus have one thing and one thing only in mind: creating havok. From theiving and buglury, to full out territory wars with the governing authorities, The Reus have become a pain in the ass for all citizens of X.

"Did you hear what Krux did? Man, that kid is wild! You saw him jump from that car yeah? Fucken skated behind it while holding onto the bumper, the cops stood no chance..."

"Not all monsters drink blood, devour flesh and poison life with their presence... this one though.. yeah, this one does... "

"I used to think Mile was a myth, someone people talked about, but nobody could describe a reliable interaction with him. The dude keeps to himself, in public he is either masked or behind the wheel. HE HAS PINCERS? HOW THE FUCK HE DRIVIN'?"

The Obitus

there is a lot to fear in X. It's a city of broken people that had hope of surviving a broken world. But one of those things is the Obitus. How do I explain them simply? I cant really, nobody ever lives to tell the tale of an encounter...

"Sleep isnt her name... definitely more of a job title..."

15+ | Fantasy horror | Trigger warnings: Extreme violence, body horror, Monsters, Sexually explicit content



The family of Mars

"whatever you do, never ever fall in love with him. He'll take a bullet for you, and his blood on your hands will make you someone's enemy #1"


Creatures and beasts affiliated with Mars and his family..


single Active Needs ref male ss human taken humanoid Blorbo dnd monster Single creature female killer bodyhorror Female anthro cyberpunk elf