Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

- you are under 18 years old
- you make AI "art"
- you are furry and/or into MLP
- you are/into incest, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, prolife, homophobic, conservative/repub/rightwing
- you use an excessive amount of chatspeak/shortened words
 I also cannot stand animated images and ads when looking for characters, as well as incorrectly tagged characters so if the above doesn't describe you but I've blocked/muted you anyway, one of those reasons are probably why. 

As of now my profile and characters do not have animations, gore, or anything NSFW. This could change but most likely not. At most, my elf/human-ish chars will have mild drug, alcohol, blood, and depression themes. My CW will of course be updated if any of these things do change BUT if I forget pls don't hesitate to bonk me head :P

Now, if you have NOT bought or otherwise obtained art from me, you can ignore the rest of this message. If you have obtained art from me or are thinking about it, then please read the rest of my message >>
My art is 100% mine. Any art I sell, trade, or giveaway on here will require proper credits. I'd prefer my dA be linked along with my TH link. Never hide, edit, or otherwise change my signature. (RP '24)

Of course, if you buy a character from me that wasn't also made by me, please credit the original designer instead.NEVER resell any art you obtain from me. (obviously if you sell the character the art goes with it. I mean individual art pieces.) No exceptions, ever. 

However, if you have a custom made lineart from me and want to sell it please PM me to discuss terms. Do note that the way I see it, you bought the right to display my art almost however you wish, that does not mean you actually fully own the art I spent time and effort making. Sorta like how I'd have the right to draw your character for you, but  that doesn't mean I own it. Therefore, you do not have the right to sell  it. 

Each character I have for sale or trade will have their own rules. True for every one I sell or giveaway: New owner is always free to change name, age, gender, personality,  history, character page, and even species. However, not all of them  allow design changes. Some can only be traded and not sold.

I  do not ever sell art that was specifically made for others. So, your  custom art will never actually be used by me besides sharing it on here  or dA.

NEVER resell characters you bought from me for more than you paid for. unless you bought expensive or numerous pieces for said character. But do not sell my $5 character for $30, for instance. I consider that shit a  scam. 

This should go without saying, but do not use my art or characters in ANY way unless authorized. 

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!