Carnival Twilight


dark humor


animated bg

they/themChaotic Evil • Ringleader

After following the warped sound of a calliope through the trees, it breaks into a clearing. It is eerily clean for a such a dense part of the woods, decorated by trailers and a massive tent in the centre.

"Excellent, you've made it!" The voice appears to come from all around you, smooth and friendly like hot chocolate, though the edges seem to curdle. You are approached directly by this being, their wide smile framed by the red fur cresting their shoulders. You awkwardly smile in response, more out of courtesy than delight. "Welcome to Carnival Twilight! A confounding fun time for the whole family!" At that last word, their already wide grin seems to widen even further somehow. You look down to see they've upturned a red paw to you. What are they offering? ...a tour? a handshake? On dim reflex you begin to reach back but as you outstretch your own fingers, it feels as though many little scuttling legs are itching your palm and you withdraw quickly.

Their expression never changes though those intense eyes clearly followed the movement. "Well, don't be shy! Have a look around, but don't go too far! The show will be starting soon, and I know you'll want a front. row. seat."


Stay as long as You please!

they/heTrue Neutral • Doctor

You wander further across the grounds and notice how a lot of the structures seem to be composed of metal-- and that applied beyond the cages for holding animals. There appeared to be entire huts mainly composed of seamless metal frames covered in canvas cloth. The low cut grass shifts as a small flock of shiny metal chips rise and dart off behind one of the tents. You follow this strange fleet of steel to see what you assume to be part of the staff arranging another tent. The metal frame almost looks like it's sprouting out the ground as the metal chips storm the structure to fill out its shape.

The architect behind it looks like a frankenstein patchwork project in a dirty white lab coat. You can see the base of one floppy ear raise and you freeze as they turn to see you.

"What're you lookin at?" The steel grey of their eyes slowly cloud a darker color. "You're gonna end up minced meat if you stay back here any longer. Go pet the bears or somethin."


Hold still. This is going to pinch... a lot.

they/sheTrue Neutral • Security

You peruse the various displays about the fairgrounds. Large animals with unusual features are contained in cages. The smaller creatures such as sheep, peacocks, and tiny horses roaming what would best be described as a "free-range" petting zoo. Nearby, there are troughs and barrels containing food and water. You sink your hand into a barrel of grain and pull out a handfull, but notice that among the grains sliding out your palm there is a pair of old dice. They are porous and light like bone. Turning over the the strange trinkets over in your hand, and almost think to pocket it before you feel a hand on your shoulder. Your gaze follows the black claw to the owner who is covered in stark-white fleece.

"Careful what you end up taking with you. Might end up not bein able to get rid of it."


Consider me... the devil's advocate.

they/anyChaotic Good • Diver

Crumpling up the empty package for a snack, you toss it towards a bin. The cheap material looks like it's about to go in, but bounces twice off the rim before falling into the low grass. As you debate whether or not to try again, a green tentacle with orange suckers snakes through the grass and throws it away for you. Your eyes follow the appendage up to it's owner, a tall green character that was shaped not too unlike the jersey devil. They give you a smile, adorned with sharp jagged teeth.

"If you want, I can pretend I didn't see anything and you made it in." Their smile relaxed to a more neutral expression. "Either way, I appreciate you tryin. Some people just kinda drop stuff on the floor." Their eyes appear to be scanning the landscape. Perhaps, looking for more trash?

"Names Kiryl, but the way! But don't let me distract you from havin fun! I've heard the show's about to start anyway, so get going!"


There's microplastics in that too ;)

prn/prnAlignment • Role

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse erat nisi, blandit porttitor venenatis non, pharetra tristique mi. Ut non sapien bibendum, dapibus augue at, volutpat eros. Nulla rutrum eu justo eu ullamcorper. Morbi eget gravida massa, mattis tincidunt nisi. Proin eu nisi efficitur urna pulvinar sagittis ut a ipsum. Donec eget nulla pretium, ullamcorper enim non, accumsan metus. Maecenas lorem urna, sollicitudin in cursus non, malesuada nec urna.


Quote goes here

they/itChaotic Neutral • Clown

You hear a dainty jingling in the background, one you haven't paid much attention to until you feel something tap you on your shoulder. You turn to see what looks like a red serpent with a golden ring in its mouth, but you aren't given much time to think about this as it pecks you on your cheek and slides out of view. The puzzling is enough to get you turn and orient yourself in this situation. You turn to see a jaunty clown, miming playful laughter as they hold their hand to their mouth.

Now with your full attention, they wave at you enthusiastically, followed by a rather uncanny-looking backflip and ending up in a heap like a broken doll. Their limbs are bent at wrong angles and you're almost concerned they've hurt themselves. However, they ended up springing into an upright position one more time, pulling confetti out of their pouch and tossing it into the air in celebration. For a moment, they froze in place as if making room for applause.

Animation returned to their limbs as they put one finger to their lips in a shooshing motion, and pointed conspiritorily towards a group of smaller tents in the distance...



they/itChaotic Neutral • Beast

For whatever reason, you followed the directions of some clown to this area of the fairground. It's a cluster of tents that seem sectioned off to display the more large animals. You were able to tell by the smell as you neared, but that wasn't exactly discouraging. Weaving between the tents, you take in animals with odd characteristics... a bear twice the size you'd expect, the smokey ghost of a hound contained by a circle of salt within its cage, another cage with what you hoped was a snake, but the tens of legs said otherwise. As you gawk at the array of creatures, a more pleasant smell cuts through the cloying scent of hay and slightly damp fur. It's hard to pin that smell down exactly, but it's nostalgic and tickles the back of your brain as you try to remember.

You follow the aroma, finally meeting a large cage towards the back. A large figure lay behind the mesh. As it shifts around the containment, you can make out... a snail? A very massive one if you were seeing correctly. It shuffles nearer, and then stands up to a towering height as it paws at the chainmail-like walls. It makes an unnerving gurgling sound as it bites futiely at the wall, eventually managing to form sloppy words.

"H-hhelp me..."


*wet low growling noise*...

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