
A virus of unknown origins has appeared. This virus or sickness turns the infected into "ferals", uncontrollable mad beasts. You can contract the infection in various ways. In the midst of this pandemic you have two major groups. These arent the only groups and there are plenty of normal everyday citizens but these two groups take up the majority of this storyline. The Syndicate is a network of people who work together in not the most legal or moral of ways. They seek to eradicate the virus but in their own way and methods. Some of which mayhaps include experimentation, torture, and illegal goods. They also do normal mafia/syndicate stoof too. The hunters are basicly like your special police of this storyline. They are a special task force trained and equipped to take on and neutralize the infected and stop the spread. They also have a dislike and sorta "war" or competition with the syndicate. The Hunters more seek to help (and by more humane means) and the syndicate to weaponize and control.

In a synopsis: Semi but not quite apocalyptic zombie theme (ppl just go their feral nature no undead here) with a underground and military group each with their own ideals and ways to aproach the virus and use or eradicate it. And also normal citizens mixed in.