Gaia City

The story begins in the year 20XX and centers around a rich and corrupt (yet heavily technologically advanced) city. Businessmen and wealthy figures maneuver around the law extremely easily, leading to a basis for organized crime festering in the city, divided into five major families, Fabbroni, D'Velde, La Sorsa, Dellartte, and Maximillian. These 5 make up The Commision, an extremely powerful organization consisting of only the most respected and dependable families in the country.

Gaia City is plagued by a history of financial and governmental corruption, mostly benefitting the Maximillian family. The Maximillians are extremely wealthy, leading and owning a variety of businesses specializing in manufacturing and studying new technology throughout the entire city and far beyond. They are part of the reason Gaia City is so highly advanced technologically. However, currently there is an opposition that may prove itself to be a pain in the behind of the families, going by the name of Empire.