STARSHAPE's Bulletins

profile picture change!!

Posted 1 year, 14 days ago by STARSHAPE

the dreamscape image really wasn’t vibing with me agcjcgdj and robert is very Me so he is my profile picture now… posting may get confusing because I use this for both his icon and my icon but you know. epic. 😎

I have Once Again become obsessed with my character birthday calendar world, I am very much looking for new character submissions 😳 if your kiddos have birthdays, absolutely feel free to submit them and I will sort them in hehehe!!! spam is very encouraged and appreciated toooo :O  TYSM!!!

myo eventtt!!! :O (nm)

Posted 1 year, 30 days ago by STARSHAPE 

WOAH these look so cool. myo event ends on the 2nd June so get in quick if you want to make one and stuff :O

SO omg I changed this a bit ago in my bio but forgot to actually talk about it here!! :,O

firstly, I have changed my pronouns to they/he!!! :]  have been noticing that I quite enjoy he/him pronouns used for me too, so I’m experimenting with them :OO  so far it’s been awesome!! I have been really enjoying the he/him pronouns eahsjdhehsgdheh HEHEHE (GET IT he he he 😱😱😱😱) so yeaaaaA !!! feel free to refer to me as they/them or he/him :))

secondly I changed my gender labels a bit ago!! if you were here for that gender update bulletin I posted two months ago you would know I have been questioning my gender a whole bunch!! while I’m definitely not certain on my labels right now either, for now I am using the labels alexigenderdfvoay0-c85ad78d-a405-4346-b421-fbf13882, genderflorendf12p54-edad3674-fb7b-4b08-bc39-af531475 and genderfluiddf12p79-1252fb20-94ca-4e0c-be5d-c844ae82 to describe me!! :))  I think they fit best at the moment, though certainly not set in stone!!

and finally my name lol!! I have been feeling disconnected to Joy which I also said in the gender update bulletin, so I have been going by Mars here for a bit!! I like the name it is Funky… and it has been the one I have been thinking about changing to the most. I still don’t know if I enjoy it being used on me as it hasn’t been so before!! but we will see!! :O  other names I am questioning can be found on my pronouns page (warning There Is a Lot). my username probably won’t change, JOYII is very iconic, just my actual name!!

shsjsbsjsb tysm for reading!!! :D

the random mini hiatus lmao

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by STARSHAPE

I had an assignment thing due, thus I haven’t been active the past few days so that I had a little less chance of getting distracted, lmao😭😭 it was nonetheless extremely difficult to not get distracted by other things and I got my absolute closest to pulling an all-nighter for school just last night, I only got an hour and a half of sleep!! :,O  got it done though or at least complete enough to not fail😭‼️‼️‼️

I have a lot of art to post as well once I take + edit photos, much of which I drew at school because I’m Rebellious like that (to be fair that is literally the case for most of my traditional art lol).

💫 old icon log

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by STARSHAPE

felt like collecting all my past profile pictures / icons into a log of sorts, a bit like the username log. most of the icons listed either feature Dreamscape or Joy, however by the looks of things I have also featured Ellie, Wish (who is now owned by Lovemagic), Charmie and Robert.


this isn’t one of those must make a bulletin things I just genuinely really like this thread and I feel like advertising it to the guys here because it’s awesome. basically it’s a masterlist of the most common names here on toyhouse!! idk I’ve just been very much enjoying adding like 50 million characters to it 😭😭😭😭 commented some new name suggestions to be added just then here too if your character is not in the multiple or single name categories :OO