꧁☆•⊹٭Cɾყσ Tҽαɾʂ٭⊹•☆꧂

꧁☆•⊹٭Cɾყσ Tҽαɾʂ٭⊹•☆꧂

A few decades before the Council of Asa'ta'hakku and the joined union of Planetary Systems, the galaxy was a free-for-all; planets rarely interacting with others unless trading off Lunariqs, Cryptorians, and Acrischistos for slave and labor intensive purposes. Even then, some planets didn't know or mostly didn't care about others for the most part. 

At a similar point in time, the Cryptorian people were able to free themselves from a once powerful race of female biomech warriors called Zaviks. The liberation was able to occur thanks to the Cryptorians’ young but powerful rebellion leader named Calco. In their flee to find a new world to call home, the Cryptorians found themselves on a humid but livable jungle planet that they named Calcocryptoria (which is why later on they are renamed as Calcocryptorians, in honor of Calco). Since they still remained in fear of being hunted by the Zaviks or captured by slave traders, most Calcocryptorians became very secluded people and refused to interact in travel.

Soon enough, a son of Calco was born, given the name Otto. Unlike the rest of his people, Otto was curious of other life out there, often warranting negative responses from his community for his unusual ideals. Despite the lack of support he received, when he was old enough, he built a rickety cruiser craft, modeled after the ones his people used when they migrated to Calcocryptoria, and set off to discover and learn what the galaxy had to offer; even though he was warned he might not be able to return back home if he did so, in fear he would bring danger back with him.

Far off, on the other side of the galaxy, Earth was becoming a sickly planet, unable to sustain life. A deadly virus, SACURA, had wiped out half the population, mainly the elderly and all children which eventually led to another world war; all trying to fight each other for this alleged mystery cure. As the population of the world was rapidly decreasing, most remaining people decided it was enough and helped each other to overthrow their governments and end the final war. 

However, without the "cure", the humans had to find another way to survive. Thus, they created ships to keep them stable while they embarked to find a new planet, leaving the sickly behind. After a few years and a couple hundreds of losses, they found a new uninhabited planet which they called Nearth (New Earth).

 At first, the humans started out strong and unified, even making new laboratory based humans (aka the Terralings) to make up for all the people they lost on their journey, and to help build up families to colonize, eventually the humans and even the terralings fell victim to their own greed. They formed factories to make machines that would do the work for them like an 8763 (aka the self-moving microwave) and other "necessities". They parted and started to form their own governments, and once again, became separated individuals. 

While that was occurring, Otto was off on his travels, often failing to access planetary ports without hostile fire or attempt of capture. When he felt his study of planet life was to no avail, he instead found himself studying galactic animals that swam freely throughout the open stars in his free time. 

Not too long after his time out in space though, he was caught by a Zavik. While she had originally had the intent to turn him to her people to gloat her glorious victory, that all went astray when a Vecor (a large terrifying beast that in simple terms could be described as having similar features to a tarantula, a rat, and a wolf) somehow got on her ship and attempted to end her life, however, Otto saved her by using the knowledge he learned of space creatures; putting the Vecor asleep by applying pressure to the base of its ears. Astonished and appreciative, the Zavik, named Eve, decided to go against her original plan and instead help Otto on his unusual quest to repay the debt she believed to owe him for her life.

With Eve's help, Otto was able to enter planetary systems easily with the idea that he was Eve's “merchandise”, plus most didn't want to be in trouble with a Zavik. From there, his eagerness and focus allowed him to learn different languages pretty quickly and understand other people's cultures through immersion. He often wrote these experiences, stories, and such down, sharing with the common people tales of other planets, other life, and even the struggles others went through to show the wonders of life and how most alien races had a lot in common. This caused a lot of curiosity amongst people and the interest to experience these other planets in ways that he did.

This also sparked new friendships with Otto; such as a Gengklin assassin named Kimomi who was sent to silence Otto by an unknown individual who disliked the changes he suggested to others. Her goal changed though when Otto gave her two options to choose from her own volition: he would either selflessly sacrifice his life to give hers meaning or instead he offered to bring her true happiness through friendship and show her life was more than taking from others. In the end, she chose the latter as his way with words inspired something in her, and his flames of curiosity now burned within her as well.

 Otto also made friends with a Kadichi named Achaa who seeked thrill to fill his dull life with passion, an Ushak'Tar named Paulina who desired to prove her intelligence to all of those who put her down, a Nearth raised Acrischistos named Nicodemus who was moved by the tale of the Calcocryptorians and wanted to free his own people one day, a Terraling named Anita who craved adventure, an Orimaddien named Tivortey who highly doubted Otto at first but began to learn how to trust and love himself and others, and even Princess Kara of the Ka'Kokoas who welcomed Otto and his crew to her planet in secret, hoping one day when she was ruler, she could in fact open the gates of her planet to other systems and show kindness just as Otto was doing for her. 

Otto had offered all these individuals a chance to become something greater and they all willingly took his hand. 

As more planets were progressively becoming aware of each other, this gave both the Zaviks and the Nearthers the itch to expand their territory by more forceful and power hungry means. This led them to making Tech Units and weapons prepared for conquest and slaughter while other planets started making Tech Units that would fight back. 

Terrified, Otto begged and pleaded to the Planetary System leaders to cease action, yet his cries were unheard because of his lowly status. Disheartened, Otto returned to Calcocryptoria to help his people prepare for the worst. His friends had all returned to their homes as well but they wouldn't just give up. 

They wanted to show their thanks to all that Otto gave them by speaking even louder against their leaders actions and rallying up their people. They did exactly what Otto did, and told their people the wonders other worlds possessed and why each planet had a reason to exist and why this war was unnecessary. Those who knew Otto and those who were already willing to lay down their weapons helped to overturn and change those who wanted to fight, rendering their rulers powerless. The final stopping point to this arising war was thanks to Anita, Nicodemus, and Eve, who gathered up their revolutionaries and went beyond by destroying the factories on their planets that were producing more wae machinery and Tech Units. 

When it seemed all was finally settling, an enormous group of sentient Tech Units who remained and still had a thirst for battle started up their own group called The Animatriks. Tech Units, especially from Nearth, who even wanted their own freedoms started to join. Their first and most devastating attack was on V-kon 14, the home of Zaviks. The attack killed all known life on the planet and destroyed the entire race. The only true remaining survivor being Eve. As Zaviks were known as one of the most fearsome races, this brought other planets in full panic as to what they were to do to defend themselves against The Animatriks' forces. 

The next attack was against Nearth. Unlike V-kon 14 though, a good few thousand of Terralings were able to escape their destroyed planet with the help of Nicodemus, Anita, and some Calcocryptorians who had purposely flown out to save whoever they could, and take refuge on Calcocryptoria. Seeing the devastation these Terralings went through but also knowing that people were listening to the message he was trying to convey and seeing the generosity and sacrifice his people, who he had thought would never leave their planet, gave to people who were different than them, Otto gained hope again. He rejoined his group of friends and together they were able to inspire unity with the planets to fight against The Animatriks.

The war was long and harsh, spanning over a total of 10 years, leaving many planets devastated and millions of casualties. Amongst the rallying civilians to join the fight, there were also a few unnamed Tech Units who didn’t wish to kill any innocent took the side of the newly formed Reverence. From supply run missions to taking back bases and homes to working in factories to produce weapons and ships as quickly as possible, everyone was putting in their all to protect the galaxy that they all shared together.

The war finally came to an end on the Wings Of Maris, the largest battleship of The Animatriks, carrying Seeds of Destruction (bombs meant to lock on and destroy entire planets). A successful raid onto the ship led by Otto and Eve turned for a disastrous event when the control room took extreme damage from a fire fight causing the AI to be wiped and all automatic controls switched off which led to a systemized self destruction countdown. Otto decided to sacrifice his life to save The Animatriks Leader, Rask Glave, and everyone else on board; both ally and enemy by providing his own ship to them while he hyperdrived the Wings of Maris to a far off void point in space so no surrounding ships or planets would be destroyed. 

The Animatriks and The Reverence both came to a non-zero-sum game surrender, bringing together Planetary System Leaders and Rask Glave to the planet Dagmirf (home of the reverend Selckit, Gar) to sign a treaty that gave freedom to the Tech Units and started a new alliance between everyone within the Hakku Galatic System. With allowance from all Planetary Leaders, the original Reverence members chose their closest representative to form the Council of Asa'ta'hakku. This month of peace and new beginnings was marked as Ottotoa or "Otto of The Stars” which is now dated in between Garatoa and Enigmatoa. 

Once new Galactic laws were beginning to be settled upon and enforced, all slave trades became banned and Lunariqs were given moons to live on. Most didn't know how to live on their own after years of slavery so new appointed leaders often Co-Ruled the closest moon to an inhabitant planet and colony moons nearby were set in place to all be under control of the Main Co-Ruled Moons. Most Acrischistos lived in merchant towns on other planets or worked/lived on Mining Province Planets that were set in place and equally divided between Planetary Systems. 

As for the original members of The Reverence and the Tech Units who assisted, they ended up being compensated with a large sum of money and left to carry on with their lives, to be unbothered by any unwanted attention.

 Kara was crowned Queen after her father had been killed in the war. She proved to be a strong and compassionate leader, keeping good to her promises of the past.

 With the help of Council funding and the lending hands of the newfounded Calcocryptorian government, Anita (and Nicodemus) was able to help the surviving Terralings create new ecoship platforms to live on, as well as later on become a language interpreter, eventually creating translation learning texts to help others learn how their neighboring planets speak and write, even offering several different forms of Terranok language.

 Nicodemus also assisted Anita with the development of the Eco Platforms, homing himself on Platform White Rose before he started up his own travels as well, going from different Mining Province Planets and Moon Colonies to provide to the poor, teach those who could not access education, tell stories of his adventures, share the wisdom that Otto once shared with him, and bring joy and gifts to all in need. He also brought Terraling country music and the southern twang accent to the language of Terranok 5, which ended up becoming very common on Mining Province Planets. 

Eve and Kimomi fought for the rights of interracial relationships galactic wide after getting married on Getogg. The couple formed Opal's Hollow (in rememeberence of Eve's fallen sister Opal) which is an organization that supports and fights for the rights of interracial (alien A x alien B) relationships, LGBTQ+ relationships/individuals, as well as prominent visibility of Trans and Enby identifying individuals. 

Achaa started his own family and helped make a natural memorial on Dagmirf, planting trees for warriors' graves and flowers for those whose bodies were never found, making sure to plant the largest tree in remembrance of Otto. 

Paulina went on to making new astounding inventions from bionic spines to karma clasps before she joined another group of explorers as head engineer, off to discover new unseen galaxies. 

As for Tivortey, he was a head member of The Council of Asa'ta'hakku for a while, sadly passing of a severe illness later on. 

Every 5 years, when the month of Ottotoa approaches, in the beginning of the month, the people will fall into a solitary few weeks of remembrance of the fallen and give silent thanks to the veterans who survived and fought for them. In the middle of the month, a time of joyous celebration occurs, usually resulting in festivals and parties that will last for the mid to final weeks. This is a time of giving and openly caring for those around them. In the last week, preparations will be made to give tribute to the Original Reverence members. On the second to last day of the month, all war veterans, families of the fallen, The Council of Asa'ta'hakku, Planetary Leaders, and even Rask Glave himself arrive on Dagmirf to add on to its garden, give thanks to Otto, retell the story of the war, tell tales of those who died, and reinstate the importance this day brought and the significance of The Treaty of Dagmirf. All who cannot attend are usually glued to their screens to watch the ceremony or are listening intently to their radiocoms. At the rising of Dagmirf's first moon, the Yuqbli can be heard from their planet and all throughout space singing a beautiful but sad tune which marks the end of Ottotoa.