
Ouroboros - The World Devouring Serpent

Information: A relatively new faction compared to others, they are formed from the groups of Hybrids who escaped from experimentation labs and humans who were chased by Yong Enterprises. They formed 3 years after the world wide announcement of Yong Enterprises and began official operations when the first hybrids escaped from labs across the globe with those seeking protection against Yong Enterprises. They would later be branded as terrorists by the world governments as many would go out and destroy government structures, assassinate political members who would later be revealed to be responsible for the experiments and so on. At one time they wanted to acquire a certain dragon hybrid to help them rid the world of the tyrannical society and give the hybrids control over the human populations. Unfortunately they lost the race to Yong Enterprise and were forced to engage Yong Enterprises head on in skirmishes across the globe. There is no telling what this group is truly after, some claim the knowledge of the world, others claim a brand new start and others seek revenge. 

Date Established: August 31th, 1980

Cybernetic yoso no kami Black Academy hybrid Protagonist Kinzoku Deer DJ BFA Schefus feline Keloci Flame Singer BFA Hectrac metal Kamitoji Hybird