Lightning boys

Everyones "eletric"

Phobo's is a tiny lightning bug, he is a summer camp councler, his whole city in built in a forest (trees). he has part of a prostethic wing and heavy scaring from an incident with the boys.

Sung is an eletric axolotl, most of his axolotl features are metal.

Meouch has a mane made out of cloud and it has its own weather based on his moods, (lighting= angry, Rainbows= happy, etc.)

Havve is made outta tesla coils, still a robot.

Everyone is a soulmate linked by lightning except for Phobos as he doesnt generate lightning and zap zap, but they treat him as if hes a soulmate regardless.

Phobos cannot interact with Sung directly, he can only sit on his helmet if it is at low battery, as he will get fried by anything else.