
Lacien are dragon-type Ora that have a natural bipedal form with a mix of elven/human and dragon features. They also have a full dragon form they can shift into. They are very powerful creatures which made most other Ora fear them, despite the Lacien being a rather peaceful race. Hunting them for glory and prestige came into practice a thousand years ago, which forced them into hiding. They disguise themselves when going out into the world, but it's incredibly rare that they do, as they no longer trust other Ora. It has become forbidden to help "outsiders" in order to protect themselves, even if the other Ora are in serious trouble. There is a single Lacien kingdom which is hidden in the mountains, ruled over by the High Lord which is equivalent to a king. 

Lacien are incredibly strong and fast, with powerful legs for jumping great distances in their natural form. They have different types of magic depending on their dragon subspecies, for example, a Blue dragon would have water magic, and a Red dragon would have fire magic. They have very keen senses, along with powerful night vision. In dragon form, they gain a second eyelid to shield them from weather and debris while flying. They are naturally immune to their element or have exclusive abilities to use it to their advantage. A water dragon is able to breathe underwater and fire dragons are fireproof.