Web of Shadows

Darkness sleeps, and the gods pray it doesn’t wake. 

In a village ravaged by attacks from the demonic Pantnn, twenty-year-old Graple Dellison is accused of drawing the beasts ever closer due to his unstable magic. With only the support from his childhood friend, Liglo, he is desperate to prove his innocence and banish the Pantnn from this realm once and for all. 

Behind every fear is a reason, and beneath each rumour is a fact. The villagers’ mistrust is not unfounded, and it’s only a matter of time before Graple discovers the truth. Secrets that have lain hidden for centuries are being uncovered, pieces moving in a game beyond the mortal scope, the web of fate pulled taught by unseen hands.

The Pantnn are only the beginning of the end…

Characters for a story I am creating, eventually a webtoon. 

These characters are forever homed. Do not offer to buy or trade for them. 

All species are closed unless I give you explicit permission to create an OC. You can ask, but unless I know you, I'll probably say no.