A - N - O - M - A - L - Y

【Multiverse Story】【General / Mature】

"I will mend what's broken"


Anomaly - something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

A Universe corrupted down to its very core, where what should be and what shouldn't overlap together, merging in unexpected and often catastrophic ways.
In this doomed place, countless of individuals live their lives as if everything was as it should, unknowing of the warped fates of their worlds. Unfortunately, many don't have the same luxury, and many fall before their right time. 

The story of Mars, a Lemurdragon whose purpose in life is to leap around the worlds and save those who need it most.

--- Characters and Lore pages are both a work in progress!! ---


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.




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The space that contains various dimensions, each of them containing countless of different worlds and galaxies. There is one Original Universe, and countless parallel ones that all mirror each other, with minor differences. Extremely rare are the Paradox Universes. Lemurdragons can jump between universes, but they usually prefer to stay within their "home" dimension, which is the one they first Jumped into.


A dimension is a plane of existence within which planets, stars and so on are born and die. They are, in a way, smaller universes all kept within a "bubble", and to go from a dimension to another one needs to either go through a Wormhole, or use a Lemurdragon's jumping ability.

Paradox Universe

A parallel of the Original One that, in a way, has underwent a drastic change that caused the dimensions within it to be corrupted and changed in ways that don't even resemble the original one anymore. Changes are referred to as "Paradoxes"

Code by AviCode