Pizza Tower AU

All the characters in my Pizza Tower AU! Ask the characters things on Pep's blog here!

Most of the characters are based on the Pizza Tower characters from McPig/Tour De Pizza, but have been redesigned and had stories changed!

This AU has my spin on the character's backstories, but the events of the game are largely the same. There are also lots of fictional things treated as normal in this world, such as mythical creatures existing and magic being commonplace, etc.

There are a lot of original characters in this AU, and any resemblance to other characters or real people is not intended, and purely coincidental.


This AU takes place in a fictionalised version of the US, at some point in the 90s.

Peppino Spaghetti was a man struggling to keep his pizzeria afloat, when suddenly an impossibly tall stone tower erupts from the earth, and a giant pizza tells him that he must get to the top and defeat him, lest his pizzeria be destroyed by a giant laser. Without much choice, Peppino bravely, full of rage and anxiety (and with some help from his lifelong friend, Gustavo, and Brick, the giant rat he befriends), scales the tower, speeding through the various floors and pummelling what ever is in his way in order to save his business!

And he does.

But now there are a bunch of weirdos in the area, and they have decided that they'll be sticking around, much to the chagrin of Peppino.

And is there more to this mysterious tower, and the pizza who seemingly has a vendetta against this random Italian man?
