Vephirith (Dree)

About Dree:

Dree: Evigheden is a story I started in 2012 while I was in college and incredibly sleep deprived. It takes place mostly in a sort-of hell called Vephirith and it's kind of like Mad Max with demons, giant monsters, gunslingers, and wizards. A lot of it is inspired by dreams I've had so I must admit that it gets a little weird at times but I'm writing it mostly for myself and don't expect anyone else to enjoy it, though I hope that maybe others will at least find it interesting to learn about. Since I'm constantly editing, writing, and changing things, most of the information here will probably change or will be outdated very quickly. Edit (2018): I rarely work on this thing anymore but I like the characters I made for it still. One day I'll work on it more...