Elegan: Hidden World

Elegan: The Hidden World


Set in a modern-like fantasy era, the universe is being threatened by 9 individuals who call themselves the MidnightBreakers. Only a group of 7 reincarnated sin-souls can potentionally stop the threat and save the universe with the help of the Peacekeepers, beings who watch over and protect their fields of expertise. More TBD.


The individuals who are apart of this project/game! Each belonging in their appropriate group!

Sinful Crusaders

Reincarnations of the previous seven crusaders from 200 AD. Teleported to Elegan due to a threat to their land. (More tbd)


A group of individuals who maintain the universe's order. Each of them have their own individual area of expertise.

Zodiac Gods and Goddesses

The gods and goddesses of Elegan.


Nine beings who threaten the world neutrality to make it a new. Vicious people who will do anything to accomplish their goals no matter what. They go by "fake" names to represent a planet they seek to control in the future.

Tag Key

Since this story is in the works of being a Paid Game I have included a "Tag Key" to show what their tags mean! If your design is in the "Placehold" and I haven't messaged/notified you feel free to message me if you are comfortable/uncomfortable with me using them! Chances are, I'm actually looking for a new design to use in place of your design ;u; But if you approve then they will be used and YOU WILL BE CREDITED FOR THE DESIGN! n.n

  • C: Approved!
  • Ask: Waiting on response/buying/making a new design


C Female Male Adult RP E.O Driftling X Sona Ask CS Messenger Minor Among Us female driftling Son Sis