SpaceHyena's Bulletins

Made a directory directory!

Posted 1 day, 9 hours ago by SpaceHyena

Or like, here's the sheets linked in the above.

hitlists have to be your own, but everything else can be someone else's thing.

Feel free to pass them around.

Submission form
Directory Sheet
Art fight hitlists
hitlist sheet
Original species
Original species sheet
ARPGs(Art roleplaying games)
ARPG sheet
Art games
Art games sheet

Cheeb+icon bundle

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by SpaceHyena

I'm offering a shipart(Or character interaction) bundle of a chibi piece plus matching icons for 30 USD.

A couple recent examples of my cheebs and icons below:


Adopt/com sales

Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by SpaceHyena

Sales deets here:

Adopts here:

Coms here:

You can contact me here, on discord(space.hyena), or on sheezy(the first two are preferred because sheezy doesn't have PMs)

Trades sorted adopts strted

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by SpaceHyena

I've sorted out the designs I made. Most are in a hidden folder while I work on redesigning them.

I also want to point out my adopt persona(basically subaccount) on sheezy.

See an adopt you want I didn't upload here or want the add-ons mentioned in the adopt posts on there but not on TH but don't have sheezy? Just shoot me a PM.

I also want to point out again that I have a kofi.

Basically, any purchase helps. This is my only income until I have a job again.

Slowly moving all my trades around

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by SpaceHyena

So, I'm going through my trades and whatever I made is being shoved in a hidden folder to await being redesigned into either something else or just a better design.

This is because I'm trying to sort through what I have that I can turn into something I can sell to help me get by. basically I'm unemployed and until I have a job again, my art and designs are my only source of income.

The designs, once they've been redesigned, will be moved to my adopt folder.

this doe not include my Ampha I'm trying to trade. One's going to get another piece of art. The other's been listed at how much I would have charged for the extra art I did.

I have sorted out my designs and only have my trades folder to back up yet.

TH be eating comments

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by SpaceHyena

So, for some reason TH is eating comments I make in the forums. If they show up double/tripleposted, I'm sorry.  It's just TH being spaghetti code.


Posted 1 month, 25 days ago by SpaceHyena

Yeah, Art Fight isn't for another few months, but might as well prep. XD

THere's not many questions and a couple are optional.

So, I've been out of a job for a while now, as I quit due to medical issues and how my work was handling them.

My tax returns have pretty much run dry, as a lot of it was spent on food, so I only have like enough for next month's phone bill. Which means I don't have money for may's phone bill.

While I'm still looking for a new job, I'm going to be selling adopts to try to make sure I can get my phone bill covered. I don't have to worry about rent because of my living situation, but, ya know, I need a working phone.

I'm not going to take donations, but I have a few things on my Kofi you can choose to drop a few bucks on.

I mostly upload bases there, but I'm adding a few assets from Miri you can pay to use as profile decor.

I had some thoughts

Posted 2 months, 15 days ago by SpaceHyena

So, I rediscovered I had an account on a lorekeeper site and got the idea to make a species reveiw thread.

So, yeah, enjoy a species review thread with the accompanying spreadsheet.

Sorry, another image bomb

Posted 2 months, 19 days ago by SpaceHyena

I'm uploading a bunch of egg designs for Miri Village's predesigned egg pool. There's about 42.