monster under construction demon bug insect Monster Girl sona wip god object head anthro Kraken capricorn devil dragon body horror horns skeleton robot monster girl monstersona fire adopted worm devilspawn Tentacles monster boy flower zombie horse fishkid centipede cat snail hello would you like to meet My Wife self insert and character arc now fan character mi-go Magic leviathan the good gay flower boi blood gltich squidmom skeledad slug trainersona hedgehog angel off-brand goatmom ocs goat djinn deity Leviathan sunmom locust jet set radio earthworm basically a self insert who went off the rails sonic spyro oc tv head eyes shark tentacles undead smoke dog i would literally die for this horse persona shes beauty shes grace dragonfly bee pokemon and has like a whole backstory sonic oc spyro Candle monster guy kraken