
Spire: The City Must Fall is a TTRPG by Rowan, Rook & Decard.

In it, PCs are drow/dark elf revolutionaries, part of a secret paramilitary revolutionary cult called "The Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress" or more often just "The Ministry". Agents, or Ministers, as they're called, are dedicated to this cause of glorious revolution, and have sworn in blood to avenge the wrongs done on them and their people by the Aelfir (High elves) that colonized Spire several centuries years ago. Worship of our Hidden Mistress, Lombre, one of the three goddesses of the moon, has been outlawed, as has anything else that suits the Aelfirs' fancy. It's an urban fantasy system full of weird magic, unstable realities, and more cults than is reasonable even in a city like this.