Sleepy Fear


Monsters just one day appeared in this world with no warning. No heads up.

Humans didn't take that sudden entrance as a imediate welcome.

Only until recently in the story, about only a century, that monsters haven't been under slavery of any kind.

Monsters and hybrids were outcasts and given either low or middle class wadges, jobs, and homes. No rich or higher class monster exists to this day.

Our main character Diaska works as a butcher in a sleezy town, no where to go but downhill there. Hense the name of the town, 'Down-Hill'.

Word has been spread out that these hybrids have escaped prison and have a high bounty on their heads.

A tan and a blondie.

Diaska hoped that they'd find those dudes and get the money so he can get a better house or shop or-

but their dreams are cut short to the realization that thats a 1 in a million chance of finding them.

Their only living condition is with a crazy witch lady named Louis' apartment.

One day, the route Diaska usualy went to get to their home was closed off for some reason so they took another route. That route was a sketchy alley way.

But when they entered the alley way, their eyes met with a bloody handed tan guy and a sobbing blondie.

Now they all are on the run.