Cyberzone is semi apocalyptic semi dystopian zone depending on where you are in it, they are many places that got destroyed due to the powers of  the "Executives" (which are basically like company heads that hold a lot of power). This is the only zones that high tech enough to make cyborgs and bots. Only Nuclears can be given cyborg enhancements as there bodies are more sturdy / able to handle it. Bots on the other hand have way more complexities going on. Other zones just can't deal with the manufacturing / exporting price / societal complications it would bring so other zones usually don't have cyborgs and bots running around.

This zone has a lack of wildlife, irregularity's still exist but they are more on the "technological side" due to the abundance of tech. The lack of synergy with the wildlife results in way less crowned + irregularities being more mysterious and "Scary",  Only the bravest can be crowned here...

WARREN CARNAGE is an assassin bot that got his body transferred into an IDOL BOT. WARREN has many enemies so he's not sure who out of the million of power hungry psychos could have done that. WARREN is PISSED THE FUCK OFF.  He doesn't even know if some random guy did it or an executive but at this point he's exhausted of the world of cyberzone and found a new outlook on life to spark his motivation for revolution and change. For the sake of every person that got crushed by the weight of power and for his own revenge, he promises to KILL EVERY LAST ONE EXECUTIVE! (Basically like a boss rush similar to No More Heroes and etc.)

his friends just joined along for the ride for their own reasons.

Inspired by  No more Heroes - Killer7 - MadWorld - Metal Gear Rising Revengance - Max Anarchy, etc.