StarriiAria's Bulletins

I see so much ppl doing Pride Month Art Requests now :flushed:
Check her out!!

Ayy the first 3 people who comment down their character that I can draw, I’ll use the random number generator to choose one out of the three characters on Procreate.

I’ll draw full-body :)

Raffle! (nm)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by StarriiAria

You should check dis and my raffle out too :0

Hey look! Procreate Art Raffle! (Mine)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by StarriiAria


9 Votes Hello!
1 Votes Uh hi? Who brought me here?
0 Votes Bye! I’m not interested in this raffle, sorry.

Hey! You clicked on my bulletin! :0

You’re probably be here for my procreate art raffle!

Well your in luck! Below is the raffle! :D

⋆✩⭒☆Procreate Art Raffle


When all slots are filled, I will use a random number generator to generate 3 numbers! First place will have their art shaded and have lighting! Second place will have their art lightly shaded! Then third place will have their art normally!  

Fill out the form:

Username without @ | Already Subscribed or Just Subbed | Favorited Character’s Names | Which character you want me to draw! | Choose One: Headshot, Bust, Full-Body, Scene, Gif Full-body, Full-Body Chibi | Extra Ticket Link or Info:

Main Ticket Needs:

- Subscribe or already subscribed to me

- Favorite 5 of my characters here:,,, or!

- Share this bulletin by making a bulletin!


Extra Tickets:

Each one thing you do, you get an extra ticket!

1 Ticket - Draw one of the characters from here: (Ignore the Art trade part-)

1 Ticket - Each person that you ping that may would like to join the raffle, you can get an extra ticket! Please do not ping people who are not friends with you.

Procreate Art Raffle:

1. @

2. @

3. @

4. Tulipp

5. @

6. @

7. @

8. @

9. @

10. @

11. @

12. @

13. @

14. @

15. @

Raffle! (nm)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by StarriiAria

S t a t u s & U p d a t e s ! !

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by StarriiAria

Gosh sorry for not posting bulletins that often-

C u r r e n t   S t a t u s :

I’m feeling pretty good, but tired.

U p d a t e s :

I’m not that active here, but I check my notifications daily!!

Hey look I have more art to share!


I got Procreate and I made a new watermark!! :D

I’m still active, but mostly on Discord and just checking notifications here! I still respond btw!

Well uhhh-

I’m kinda bored too- So wanna chat?? We could cat in PMs or in the comments your choice! I’ll only respond if you do one of those!

Either way... Have a good day/night!! <33


Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by StarriiAria

So uh hi! Uhm, I'm bored so... Anyone wanna chat for awhile?

oh and please do check dis out: good stuff


Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by StarriiAria

Aria's Mall:

Hihi! Since no one us really buying my cheap stuff there, I'll be having raffles for some discounts! Please do comment the discount code and discount price amount! Oh yeah, also do comment which one you want to buy! Thank you!

To enter a raffle, fill out the form below!

Username ( without @ ) / Raffle Name / Number In Raffle that is not taken

Psst! You can get another ticket by advertising this bulletin! Just quietly add the link to the form when you fill it out!


I'll DM you the discount info if you win! Only 1 WINNER! Oh and if I see another person using the code that isn' the right PERSON. I will change the info. If I see it again, used by the wrong person, the discount will be EXPIRED!

1. Twigbelly

2. Twigbelly

3. @

4. @

5. @

6. @

7. @

8. @

9. @

10. @

11. @

12. @

13. @

14. @

15. @

2 Points off Original Price DISCOUNT!

I'll DM you the discount info if you win! Only 1 WINNER! Oh and if I see another person using the code that isn' the right PERSON. I will change the info. If I see it again, used by the wrong person, the discount will be EXPIRED!

1. @

2. @

3. @

4. @

5. @

6. @

7. @

8. @

9. @

10. @

1 point off DISCOUNT!

I'll DM you the discount info if you win! Only 1 WINNER! Oh and if I see another person using the code that isn' the right PERSON. I will change the info. If I see it again, used by the wrong person, the discount will be EXPIRED!

1. @

2. @

3. @

4. @

5. @

6. @

7. @

8. @

Please comment the form below! Thank youu! <333

Ty for reading literally :'3