Stormeko's Bulletins

OC Sorting & Updates

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Stormeko

This is more of a ramble tbh

I'm probably gonna end up sending some oc's to my alt. Idk when I'll do it, but I have the ones that'll most likely be sent tagged already. Unfortunately, that includes the trolls. I still love them a lot, but I think I've lost my interest in developing them. I might make a human or furry redesign for a couple of them, but idk yet. (If I do feel like working on them it'll just be on the other account) Transfer will happen before the year ends. I might also bring back an oc or two. I've been wanting to bring back Quark and maybe Skye. I'd have to draw them both first and see. Possibly tweak Quark's design and rename Skye. I'm being indecisive and overthinking right now to do anything. Some might be repurposed for another world idk. We'll see. I'll make another bulletin for the new year and we'll see how it turned out

Other than that, everyone here has had updated. I included where the humans live. Human and furry world has been fleshed out. Cholpon the most fleshed out. I still need to work on Peluna. So yeah. That's all I think think of

OC Blog

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Stormeko

I changed my OC blog to a side blog for my main. If you can think of anything, I'd love questions to be sent!

111 Questions!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Stormeko

Stealing from friendo again because I love these

Edit: Put answers under a spoiler to make the bulletin shorter

1.) Are you really ready for 111 questions?

2.) Was your last real relationship a mistake?

4.) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
Most likely one of my partners or a family member

5.) Do you regret it?
Nope. Dunno why I would

6.) Have you ever been depressed?
Not officially diagnosed but I do think I have symptoms so yaaay

7) Are you a boy?
Kinda? Idk gender is weird

8.) Are you a girl?
Mostly yeah. Nonbinary

9.) What is your relationship status?
Taken and not looking

10.) How do you want to die?

11.) What did you last eat?
TV dinner yesterday. Unless you wanna count my breakfast shake thingy today

12.) Played any sports?
I actually played baseball when I was 4! There was only one other girl on the team. I did softball for a little bit. And I did karate when I was in 2nd grade!

13.) Do you bite your nails?
I use to

14.) When was your last physical fight?
Idk if I've ever been in one

15.) Do you have an attitude?

16) Do you like someone?
Do my partners count?

17.) What is your real name?
I've given it out online before. But let's make it fun this time! It's the name of a dog breed and a country!

19.) Are you gonna get high later?
Never. Also why is the 19. Where's 18?

20.) Do you hate anyone at the moment?

21.) Do you miss someone?

22.) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
Always twirled it!

23.) Do you tan a lot?

24.) Have any pets?
I have a Pomshi mix named Chloe, and a tomcat domestic cat mix named Mango!

25.) How exactly are you feeling?
Understimulated because ADHD brain doesn't know how to work

26.) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?

27.) Ever made out in the bathroom?
Never even made out before so no

28.) Would you take any of your exes back?
Yeah probably. Depends. Some I think I'm better off being friends with

29.) Are you scared of spiders?

30.) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Depends if I get to see what I change would affect

31.) Do you regret anything from your past?
So many things

32.) What are your plans for this weekend?
Try and do another bday oc art

33.) Do you want to have kids?

34.) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?

35.) Do you type fast?

36.) Do you have piercings?
I used to have earrings when I was younger!

37.) Want any more?

38.) Can you spell well?

39.) Do you miss anyone from your past?
So many people

40.) What are you craving right now?
Something sweet idk

41.) Ever been to a bonfire party?
Never been to a party before (That wasn't a bday party

43.) Have you ever been on a horse?
Where's 42? And yeah when I was younger

45.) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Possibly? And what happened to 44?

46) Have you ever been cheated on?
No idea

9.) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
That's the plan. And why is this just 9?

50.) What should you be doing?
Probably art

51.) What's irritating you right now?
Intrusive thoughts

52.) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
I think so?

54.) What is your favorite color?
Blue! Also take a shot of water for every missing number

55.) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I don't think I have?

57.) Do you have trust issues?
Oh absolutely

62.) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
We're still friends so yeah

63.) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Uhhh. Idk

64.) Do you give out second chances too easily?

65.) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Idk both are hard

66.) Is this year the best year of your life?

67.) What was your childhood nickname?

68.) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
I don't think I have???

70.) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Not really

71.) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Bedtime routine

73.) What is bothering you?
Once again, intrusive thoughts

74.) Have you ever been out of your state?
A couple times!

75.) Do you play the Wii?

76.) Are you listening to music right now?
Not atm

77.) Do you like Chinese food?
Some of it!

78.) Do you know your fathers b- day?
I know it's in June and that he's a Gemini so it's before the 21st

79.) Are you afraid of the dark?
I'm afraid of what's in the dark

80.) Is cheating ever okay?
Depends on the cheating. On someone? No. On a test? Eh yeah

81.) Are you mean?
My thoughts are

82.) Can you keep white shoes clean?
I doubt it

84.) Do you believe in true love?

88.) Do you like the outside?

89.) Are you currently bored?

90.) Do you wanna get married?

91.) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?

92.) Are you hungry?

93.) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?

94.) What makes you happy?
My oc's

95.) Would you change your name?
Idk. I'm fine with my rl name, but I also really love Storm

96.) Ever been to Alaska?

98.) Do you watch the news?

99.) What's your zodiac sign?

100.) Do you like Subway?

101.) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Yes but only because I really don't like kissing lips

102.) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Good question. As someone who's polyam I have no idea

105.) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
I rarely go out so idk

106.) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act yourself around?

107.) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My grandpa

708.) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yeah. I couldn't date a smoker. Also what are these numbers?

109.) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Idk. I kinda avoid deep things I think

110.) Favourite lyrics right now?
Probably something I relate to way too much so I'll do a less sad one
This whole songminus the swimming part

111.) Can you count to one million?
Probably could


Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Stormeko

I've updated my characters personality blurbs! I might go through backstories too. I know I wanna edit Shiro's a little bit. I also edited my profile to be shorter. I'm gonna try looking for a profile code that works fine with WYSIWYG and doesn't have any pictures in the code

Also if you wanna ask me or my characters anything please check out my retrospring account!

Tag Guide

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Stormeko

Partly for me, partly for anyone who likes tag guides. Also thought this would be useful for me so I can go through tags and organize stuff


Male- Male oc's
Female- Female oc's
NB- Nonbinary oc's


Hetero- Straight oc's
Homo- Gay and lesbian oc's
Bi- Bi oc's
Pan- Pan oc's
Demi- Demirom/sexual oc's
Asexual- Ace oc's
Polyam- Polyamarous oc's


Human- Just human oc's
Animal- OC's who're animals
Furry- Furry oc's
Anthro- Animals that can be drawn anthro
Feral- Animals that can be drawn feral
*Also tagged by what animal they are. Fan character are also tagged with other things for organization and searching

Art Wanted - OC's I want art of the most
Needs Art - OC's with 20 or less pieces of art


Sona- OC's I use to represent myself
Half Sona - OC's I consider part sona
Fursona- Fursonas!
Comfort- Comfort oc's
Vent- Vent oc's
Heart- Current ones I'm hyperfixated on. Will change frequently
1- OC's I can easily do IC stuff with
2- OC's I can do IC with
3- OC's I struggle with doing IC things and need to work on

About Me Meme

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Stormeko

Stolen from a friendo!

Gender: Nonbinary! She/Him. Female pronouns a little more preferred
Sexuality: Demiromantic and asexual. Also polyamorous!
Height: 5ft last time I went to the doctor, which was years ago. Possibly 5'1
Relationship status: Dating~
Favorite colors: Blue and green!
Favorite songs: These change every once in awhile but atm Magic 8 by Set It Off, Bad Habits by The Federal Republic, I Never Learned by Chris James. And probably a lot more
Favorite band / artist: Set It Off and Simple Plan! I also really like Citizen Soldier and Rosendale
Favorite youtuber:  Ephemeral Rift, SaveAFox, Jackson Galaxy, The Click, and Dr. Mike!
Favorite food: Spaghetti!
Favorite bird: I don't think I have a favorite bird tbh. I do like cardinals though
Favorite animals: Cats, bats, wolves, and foxes!
Favorite celebrity: Uhhh probably Gabriel Iglesias. And my have VA's? Matt Mercer, Wendee Lee, ect
Favorite time of day: Night!
Favorite holiday(s): Christmas and Halloween!
Favorite season: Winter!
Favorite fruit: Mangoes
Favorite flower: Daffodils!
Favorite emoji(s): Idk I use the joy emoji a lot
Favorite hobby: Drawing and gaming!
Favorite country: I really like Canada, Mexico, and Britian!
Favorite weather: Snow!
Name of your crush: No one
Name of your pet(s): Mango (Tom cat) and Chloe (Female mutt) Ask for the DNA results of either of them!
Name(s) of your best friend(s): My partners, Minnow, Glacies, Noot, Alaska, Luca, Zack, and a lot more. I woke up an hour ago so I know I'm forgetting people
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert that can be very loud with friends when I'm in a good mood
Looks or personality: Personality 100%
Homesick or traveler: Home. As much as I'd love to see more places, I hate being away from home for very long
Musician or artist: Artist. I've always liked drawing. Though I do have a guitar I've been meaning to learn how to play
Woods or city: Woods!
Tv or youtube: Pirating shows on websites XD
Phone or computer: Easily computer

TH Questionare Meme

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Stormeko

Casually stealing this from a friend

What should I call you? Storm! But I'll also answer to any of my sona's names, Tangle, or my actual name. Generally Storm, Tangle, or Vivie though

How old are you? I haven't put my exact age online for a few years now, but I'm 18+

What program(s) do you use? Medibang!

Can I DM you? I prefer comments over DMs since I get nervous, but DMs are okay

Can you authorize me? Friends are free to ask!

When do you open commissions? I can do points or bribes. I don't have a Paypal, so you'll buy something for me and I'll do art. (Sticker packs or steam games normally)

How often do you post adopts? Never

Are you open to art/design trades? Depends! I procrastinate, but I'm up for an art trade if we like each other's styles and oc's! I'm kinda picky with the oc's I draw

Can I ask for your discord? Friends only!

Can I draw your characters, alone or with mine? Absolutely! <3

Can I request character links? Ask first!

Can our characters be friends/enemies/etc? Sure! Just ask

Can I ship my characters with yours? Possibly! We could do an AU ship!

Can we play a game together? If you're up for Goose Goose Duck, Jackbox, or Risk then ye if you're 18+ (Just because the age range of the group is 18+ to 30+) Other games depends

Can I call you on discord? I only really do group calls, or call my partners/close friends. I'm shy af XD

Can I see a picture of you / will you face reveal? Probably not. I'll rarely send a pic of me in group chats or to someone

Can I heavily reference / reference your art? Normal referencing is alright! 

Can I take inspiration from your designs? As long as they aren't a carbon copy yeah! Every gets inspired by something

Can I co-own a character with you? Naw

Are you okay with offers on characters? Not on this account. You could try with my alt, but you most likely won't get a yes due to sentimental value. If there's anything in my storage account trade/sell folder then ye

Do you do pings? For characters? Naw. Getting pinged in forums is cool

May I put your characters in a dreamies folder? I'd prefer you didn't

Can I offer on the same character multiple times? Ehhhh

I'm bored atm so comment and I'll check out your oc's. I'll try and mention why I like who I pick. Feel free to look through mine too! Also if you think anyone would be friends you can lmk and we could link them!

Also if you're good at thinking of likes and dislikes for character Poppy needs more

TH Meme!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Stormeko

I love doing these

Linking OCs: Sure! I'd prefer we decide who's friends or whatever first though

DMs: Preferably not unless it's Discord or Telegram. I always get anxious when I see one XD

Voice Chat/Call With Me: Once again, I get anxious in VC. I only really call my partners or one friend. I very rarely even join group calls T_T

See Pics of Me: Most likely not

Art Inspiration: I'd be surprised but happy about that^w^

Design Inspiration: As long as you remember inspiration is different from copying

Co-Owns: Never

Asking for Pings: Probably not. I consider everyone here, and mostly everyone on my alts, forever homed

Asking to Offer: I'd rather you not. You might be able to get someone on my Tangle account, but that's not really likely. You can try with anyone who doesn't have the FH tag, but once again super unlikely since I've had these guys for years

Putting My OCs in Dream Design Folders: I'd rather you not. Same reason as above

Is fanart/gifts okay?: That's always okay! <3

Are Headcanons Okay?: I love seeing what other people think my oc's would be like!

Is Shipping Okay?: Yup! Friendships especially. Romantically will mostly be an au

Is Kinning Okay?: Nope. You'll be blocked

Is Fanfiction/Writing Okay?: Sure! Some of my oc's have specific ways of talking. I'm gonna try adding that to their profiles eventually

Is Using Your Characters as Icons and Such Okay?: Nope. Only expectations if we're friends and are doing it for fun on Discord

Can People Draw Their Characters with Yours?: Absolutely! Interactions can be fun x3

Updates and a poll

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Stormeko

Do you like seeing bulletin notifs?

1 Votes Yes!
2 Votes Every once in awhile
0 Votes Sometimes
0 Votes I have bulletin notifs turned off

I thought I made a bulletin last year but I guess not??? Anyway I just wanted to make one

I've sent a couple of oc's to my alt Tangle so they'll be worked on there. I've managed to cut down to 37 characters here. Possibly gonna make a new villain eventually? Idk. If not that than maybe another furry design. Idk why but I don't like having a big number of characters??? Idk if it's my OCD or just me feeling like I can't make more oc's more unique or what

This year I'd like to write more stories for oc's. I can't really think of anything right now, but stories will happen here and my alt. Currently thinking of an enemies to friends to loves for fantrolls on the alt, so if you're interested in that feel free to sub there. If you have any writing advice please tell me XD I'm terrible with grammar and commas

Also if you feel any of my ocs need a warning lmk! I'm debating on giving one to Ace and Ember.

I can't think of anything else besides that I plan on making art of all my oc's here for their bday. So that's 3 a month at the least. I've already done Zakios and Ace. Next up is Lucas!

Anyway that's all I think. Feel free to use the comments to ramble on about a fav oc of yours! I'd love to hear about them! Or if you wanna tell me a fav of mine and I'll tell you a fav of yours! :D