
How many gods does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Well, they're less of gods and more of avatars, but still
You'd think that it'd only be Wequet, the Avatar of Change, but it takes three, one of which is the Avatar of Change.
Baylic, Wequet, and Lyla are all Avatars who have nothing better to do than screw around with their powers in the blank canvas world they woke up in. Baylic, the Avatar of Creation, can create anything he (and the others. Mainly Wequet) can think of. Wequet, the Avatar of Change, can take anything and manipulate its color, size, shape and more. Lyla, the Avatar of Destruction, can destroy anything she wishes. Though that isn’t much.
For several millennia, they just goof around, screwing with their powers and even eventually finding other worlds occupied by lifeforms frequently called “humans”. They never interfered though, as they wish to let them live peacefully, but they still had fun exploring their societies and innovations.
However, curiosity killed the cat.