
- Secretive & Fierce -





Medicine Cat



LightClan is a more secrative and deceitful clan, usually more or so the one that creates disputes, but they aren't necessarily immoral. They pride themselves for being feirce and having powerful powers, but they sometimes struggle with being truthful, even amongst themselves.


● Special powers:
They have powers that more or so doesn't fit in the other clan's categories. They can wary from being able manipulate light, to feel other's emotions. In general, more unatural and special powers.


Their territory lies in the densest part of the forest. It can be so dense that the tree's obstruct light from getting properly through, but theres some patches of light rays that makes it.
It's hard to navigate their territory if you haven't grown up in it, and LightClan uses that as their advantage a lot of the time.

The forest slightly opens up towards their border with DoveClan, and the same as well towards the river that sets a natural border between PineClan and them.


They hunt a lot of the ground critters that scurries around, such as mice, voles, lizards etc. They're great at using their envoriment for their own gain, so they can easily sneak up on their prey.

Badgers, foxes and even sometimes bears are the struggle of predators. Deers and boars can also sometimes be dangerous to come across.


● PineClan: Neutral terms. There aren't particularly many despites with the river being a strong border, and none of the two knowing how to swim.

● DoveClan: Not on great terms. While DoveClan would rather talk disputes out, LightClan would rather resort to violence.

● BoulderClan: Neutral. There aren't many chances of them getting into disputes, but BoulderClan also slightly fears LightClan.

● The Nurturers: Generally bad. LightClan doesn't want them on their territory and has driven them out multiple times, creating a generally bad relationship between them.

Members [16+]

● LEADER: Froststar (M)

● DEPUTY: Thistlestep (M)

● MEDICINE CAT: Fidgetspot (M)



- Hearthtalon (M)

- Leopardscorch (M)

- Sunbreeze (M)

- Ripplesplash (F)

APPRENTICE: Shiverpaw (M)

- Timberpool (M)


- Longface (M)

APPRENTICE: Redwoodpaw (M)

- Junipercreek (F)

APPRENTICE: Smokepaw (F)

- Wildstripe (M)

APPRENTICE: Jackalpaw (F)

- Spiderlily (F)


- Shiverpaw (M)

- Jackalpaw (F)

- Tornpaw (M)

- Redwoodpaw (M)

- Smokepaw (F)



In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque, enim lacus iaculis mauris, et ullamcorper eros felis sit amet quam. Maecenas rutrum scelerisque augue, a volutpat metus. In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque.


In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque, enim lacus iaculis mauris, et ullamcorper eros felis sit amet quam. Maecenas rutrum scelerisque augue, a volutpat metus. In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque.


In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque, enim lacus iaculis mauris, et ullamcorper eros felis sit amet quam. Maecenas rutrum scelerisque augue, a volutpat metus. In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque.


In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque, enim lacus iaculis mauris, et ullamcorper eros felis sit amet quam. Maecenas rutrum scelerisque augue, a volutpat metus. In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet. Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque.