Bargaining Chips

Characters I intend to sell or trade;

Character Themes or Genres I enjoy!

- Robots / Aliens / Sci-Fi
- Fantasy
- Monsters and Creatures

Character Themes or Genres I'm Not Interested in!

- Modern/City
- Fan Characters
- Steampunk

I'm less likely to go for characters that fall under the uninterested list, but feel free to prove me wrong!
Some characters are available for purchase! If so, their price will be listed in their description!

I am likely to make adaptations to your character! As such, please feel free to do so with any of mine upon trade or purchase! 

Take good care of them! 

Cat dnd humanoid cat human male Robot Destiny 2 For sale female Destiny FraktureTek demon neko dungeons and dragons Dinosaur ufs dnd5e adopt anthro