
just a place for me to store my prompts for now ;o;

Founder prompt;

The pride, will live in a lovely flower field with trees sprinkled about, There are a few hills which they live in. Each den bigger or smaller than the next with flowers and or moss where the lions lay. When they are not sleeping you could be expected to see deer,antelopes and other animal as prey. This pride is very in tune with nature and their senses, Most lions are able to minimally control the growth of the nature. With the little time there is snow in the pride they will sleep on one larger den to keep them selves all warm. When the sun rises with snow this will allow lions to practice their magic abilities easier to try and manipulate the snow how they need. Dusk founded this land when she was young, making jokes about it with herself, once she was finally old enough she gathered a few other lions and made the pride.

Sea prompt, Day 1c

Streaming Lilacs gaze flicked from object to object, choice to choice. Their mind raced with the choices, what would be their weapon? Streaming lilacs sighed deeply and looked at all the defense choices they could choose from. The wind rustled their lilac fur as they looked upon all the choices they had, magic,a sword and some other very varying choices. Oven the weapon of words. Each different weapon was laid by a different lion, magic being a gift from all, but they could only choose one, what a big choice! Their mind raced fast as they tried to pick one weapon. It felt so on the spot as they just arrived to these lands! 

Streaming lilacs gaze wandered, wondering what each of these weapons meanings could be, they had already heard the one for the sword, "The glimmering sword that reflects the light so perfectly was crafted out of the finest metals we could find, we worked hard for this weapon offering" The words flicked and traveled quickly in their mind, what could they mean? What was this metal they were talking about? After all, they had just arrived! 

They're soft lilac colored pet swished as they looked around, nervously for sure! Their mind traveled from weapon to weapon wondering what to pick. After a long while of trying to figure out what the best option would be the picked the magic, they still had no clue what magic they would be granted after picking this the other lions brought away their other weapons, still feeling obviously excited about the new arrival! They watched the lion who brought the sword carry it away, the light perfectly reflecting off the shiny silver surface, you could make out every little blade of grass in the reflection, every hair on the lion carrying it away! 

Streaming Lilacs mind wandered, wondering if they made the wrong choice on what weapon they picked, was the magic a bad choice? should they have picked the sword? They gulped nervously as they watched all the lions stare at them interested. Streaming lilacs mind raced, from fear? nervousness? nerves? they didn't even really know! it all felt so...sudden! 

Streaming lilacs sat down on the soft grass watching all the other lions ooh and ah at them, They didn't even really know why all of them seemed so interested in this new hero! They had just shown up yesterday and they were already bring gifts for them and they were still confused why! They gulped again as the lions spread out, they didn't even know what kind of magic they would be granted with! But off of what they have been seeing, these lions seem to have some previous experience with magic! All varying in strengths and type! 

Hopefully they would be able to help them with how to control the magic and how to use it! Hopefully these lions would understand, and respect even they need help sometimes! Streaming lilacs finally flicked back into reality and looked around, dazed as they saw all they eyes on them, curious. Dusk, seemingly the leader of the pride finally weaved through the pride to guide the lion and help them, curious on why they picked magic over the glimmering sword or the glimmering wooden club that were lay before they just minutes before and Streaming lilacs explained, "The other options were amazing choices! it was a very hard choice to say the least, but I feel more comfortable with magic right now, something heavy seems like it would always weigh me down!" they said strongly, letting out a small giggle.

Sky prompt Day 2B

Streaming Lilacs stared at the ruins blankly after Dusk had lead them to them. They looked inscribed, but with what? Streaming lilacs asked themself confused, thinking about it. They looked at the letters on the ruins, they looked familiar somehow but they still didn't really understand them. Streaming lilacs blinked at the ruins thinking about what the letters inscribed on the stones could mean.
Streaming Lilacs sat down, Dusk watching them puzzled as the other lion tried to figure out what the inscribing could mean. The inscribing seemed to softly glow as they murmur under their breath. They tilt their head puzzled, trying to figure it out. Streaming Lilacs mind raced as they thought about every thing it could mean. Streaming lilacs gaze flittered as they looked at the ruins confused on why some of the letters and words seemed familiar.
Dusk watched them confused "Is there anything you can help with?" Dusk asked. Streaming lilacs nodded swiftly, their gaze still firmly locked on the ruins. They flicked their fin covered tail as they tried to work out what the ruins said. Streaming lilacs let the ruins glow and fade, as they murmured. As the inscribed words glowed softly, emitting light, Streaming lilacs read what they said. Having to restart many times as they forgot what it said.
Streaming lilacs sighed, flicking their tail. Dusk watched them sighing "I'm going back to the pride, take your time but the pride needs me back" Dusk said, dipping their black and white head to Streaming lilacs as they turned around and walked away. Streaming lilacs nodded to Dusk smiling to themself as they tried to figure out what the ruins said.
Streaming Lilacs face shifted as they tried to read it, grunting upset when they messed up. They sat out there for a long while trying to read the ruins before they noticed the ruins letters would shift every so often, changing what they said. They flicked their tail in annoyance as they watched the ruins switch wondering how they didn't watch that before. Streaming lilacs tail swished as they watched the ruins, noticing as they switched they ended up switching from stone to stone, Allowing them to start reading them.
They sighed deeply watching the ruins switching. Streaming lilacs eyes flicked from stone to stone, sitting again, watching the ruins darker inscribed words switch from stone to stone all at once.

Land prompt, Day4C

Dusk stared at Streaming Lilacs blankly, Dusk had sat down the purple hero ready to talk about their traditions,land,prey,history and anything else she deemed the hero had to know before they went on. Streaming lilacs tilted their head watching Dusk. Dusk took in a breath and watched the other lion,Dusk dipped her head shortly after watching the other lion. Streaming lilacs twitched her tail, blinking her sea blue eyes,watching the pride leader very intently.
Dusk watched them and finally started "i would like to explain the history of the pride, and help you out whats going on" Dusk tilt her calmly and swiftly.
Streaming Lilacs nodded "go on?" she said waiting eagerly
Dusk smiled softly and nodded "I had founded Rising pride when I was young, having no clue what it would become now. As I grew older I worked out how to make my own pride for fun, I did not have any plan to actually make one but it seemed like something fun to imagine. It seemed hard to do, a female leading a pride? that was almost unheard of, I never spoke of my dream, fearing somebody would find the area and take it over so I couldn't see it ever again. The land is full of prey making it a very good home" Dusk began, talking to Streaming Lilacs.
"It was a desirable home for a pride just starting out to make a new home in, full of prey, lush with greenery and full of places to hide and hunt" Dusk continued "When a cub is old enough to become a full member of the pride we hold a ceremony for them!" Dusk continued eagerly, never stopping "they will have developed their magic skills enough to finally grow their sapling!" Dusk paused, noticing they didn't actually talk about the sapling
"wait, let me tell you about saplings first! When a cub is first born, a couple days later, when they can finally walk and see they get to plant their own sapling, this sapling will be placed in the forest of growth, every lion who has been here since a cub has one! When they are old enough and are able to fully grow their tree with their magic the tree can greatly supply them with food,cover and help" Dusk paused for a brief moment before continuing
"Each tree that is planted is special to the lion that planted it, all sapling are 'descendants' of the great oak, the tree I first planted when I first founded the territory! The tree,which I didn't know when I was young, held some magic within it, when a new cob was born a new seed was dropped, it also help protect the camp and is the tallest tree in the forest" Dusk said calmly
Streaming lilacs paused for a moment, confused "So your pride is based on a...tree?" She asked puzzled feeling like she was missing something
Dusk sighed, flicking her tail at the hero "The ceremony based around the trees help the pride value new life, each tree protecting the camp and its chosen lion" Dusk said swiftly and softly, trying to make sure the Hero understood what she was saying "This new threat is worrying the pride, even with their trees we needed some more help! they were all terrified of the threat, it seemed like it was looming just around the corner and could attack at any moment! which terrified the pride deeply, they all went over to their trees, begging them to help protect the camp from this threat"

canine anthro feral kit 3 slots arpg sona x lambicorn stars trade only main sona kalon Warrior need art he him HEH cat