
Aritari Smith IMG_1194.jpg

Ari is a strong-minded tiefling that only cares for herself and her party. Her biggest goal is to find her demon father and be strong enough to slay him. She is also on the run from much of the feywild, having taken oath to an archfey until discovering her infernal heritage and breaking her oath. She swears to not set foot into the feywild until she feel she has redeemed herself for forgiveness for her oath by defeating the person who gave her her demon parts. She is an incredible fighter, constantly improving upon her skills she had learned and practiced as a child with her elven parents, who had given her a wonderful and ordinary childhood.

Tiefling Paladin She/Her Party NPC

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Nythe is a blind oni who is rather kind and gentle to friends and people, being appreciated by all he comes across. But to his enemies, he is a vicious, terrifying foe whose magical abilities come from and with the power of bringing death. He is known to be horrifying in battle with a scary face yet a kind smile as he sends his targets into the afterlife. He is on a mission not only to spread kindness and bring deathful balance to the world, but he is on a search to find his long-lost sister, a tiefling who shares the same infernal bloodline as his own, though he knows she had not been given forgiveness by the heavens or fate like him. He is appreciated much by his god, which dubs him an oni of blessed death.

Oni Cleric He/They Lore NPC

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Axotl is a small, judgemental dragonborn that comes from the draxolotl lineage. He is sort of salty and mature with many doubts toward the people around him. He values his endangered culture and species, committing his life and work into trying to find ways to preserve the ocean and his species. His parents are not known by land species, and he prefers to keep it that way. Despite him coming across as rather secretive, he is actually just an individual with not a lot to hide in the first place.

Axolotl Dragonborn Druid/Cleric He/Him Party NPC

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Pig is a winged changeling who has had countless ace romances with many individuals which lead nowhere but heartbreak and disappointment for the other party. He only seems to cause trouble in every town he goes. He claims he lives by his own set of weird and wonderful rules, believing and loving that change is a driving force of life. His greatest flaw is that he is very forgetful with most things except for certain... unforgettable people. He is a fun and flambouyant person

Changeling Bard He/Him Party NPC

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Peri travels all around the world across multiple realms, collecting and thieving wonderous items from anywhere and everywhere and then selling them at market price or cheaper in other places. They also have three lovers, all of which also travel about the world fulfilling their own duties. Peri is friendly, comical, and an entertaining friend to come across on journeys.

Goblin Merchant She/They/It Merchant NPC

The Chaddingtons IMG_URL

A family whose tree reaches far into time and history of Parmaethe. This honorable family is filled with people whose names alone strike inspiration, strength, or fear into every heart across the world. The Chaddingtons are known for their honorable (and dishonorable) deeds amongst their legendary lineage.

Elves/Half-Elves Mixed Classes Rare NPCs Lore NPCs

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Yin is quiet, romantic, and can be interpreted as very intense sometimes. She had grown and lived with her family of trees and other dryads until one day an adventuring party came and killed her sister; the tiefling fighter named Val showed her the ways of the world outside of just the forest and inspired her to take courage, both in life and in battle. She has since stayed with the world tree, defending it with all her might and doing her best to restore the fae energy to prepare for the King to return to Talonithe.

Dryad Druid/Ranger She/Her World NPC

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Hanabi is headstrong, romantic, diligent, and loyal, sometimes seen as impulsive in her fiery nature despite her patience and wisdom. Having lived through a good portion of King Deidre's active years and watching the downfall of Talonithe after his abandonment, Hanabi - who swore herself to the royal family - has watched him and cared for him as he has spent his latest years in hiding, keeping his location a secret.

Half-Wolf Eladrin Fighter She/Her Future NPC

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