Wild West

Wild West

Old America except replaced with dogs and cats. Humans do not exist in this universe as the animal kingdom has evolved to where anything can switch from standing anthro to standing feral on a whim

(Inspired by Nurakid's Doge music videos)

Deserts populated by canines of every breed and size it's rare to see a cat but not impossible. Some dogs have taken it upon themselves to expand and build. Some have decided to settle down. While others have embraced the tough terrains as cowboys

One key detail that any travelers coming into the deserts will immediately notice is everyone who lives in the growing country calls themselves and goes by nicknames rather than their real names. These names mostly consisting of where they come from and a color, though some will simply use a word and a color. It's not a hard enforced law but coming in and going by your real name will get you treated worse than if you simply came up with a nickname for yourself

Content warning: Blood, abuse, and death

Anthro Feral Canine Humanoid Human Song oc Fandom Feline Fnaf Dragon Monster Cat Wolf Creature Animatronic Five nights at Freddys God Ghost Moth Hybrid