TavernReapers's Bulletins

Liowl Freebs

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago by TavernReapers

Howdy! Theres an ongoing freebie thing ongoing right now in the discord! Come check it out!

Nudico Species Launch!

Posted 4 months, 22 days ago by TavernReapers

(Nudi => Nudicbranchia & Co => Draco)


Welcome to the official launch of the Nudico Species! Now, you may ask yourself, what is a Nudico?
To answer simply, they're sea-slug like dragons, with magic healing abilities that generate from their goopy tails!

Current Ongoing Events in our Discord Server

A Free Common MYO upon making an Intro

Invite event with species currency and a rare MYO as rewards

Advertising event with species currency as rewards

So come over and join us!! Links below to check us out ^^

> Discord Invite <

> Toyhouse World <

> Nudico Details <