An Idols Sound

An Idols Sound.

Title Card



★★★★ | 2021 | 15+ | 1 Season | Genre: Musical
"An Idols Sound" follows the story of Ahl, a young girl under the sea with a dream of becoming an idol in the cutthroat world of music. Despite her unique appearance and the challenges she faces because of it, Ahl refuses to let anyone or anything hold her back. With the help of her supportive friends and a talented mentor named Babalú, Luna takes the stage by storm, showcasing her powerful voice and mesmerizing dance moves. But as she navigates the competitive industry and deals with backstabbing rivals, Ahl learns that the road to success is never easy. Will Ahl be able to make it to the top and become the idol she's always dreamed of being, or will she be left floundering in the face of the competition?
Main Characters: Ahl, Tertiary Characters: the rest