I Cant Be Unscared!!

I Cant Be Unscared!!.

Title Card



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★★★★★ | 2021 | 16+ | 1 seasons | Genre: Mystery, Horror, Psycological
A timid high school boy named Anton lives in constant fear of the unknown. He is particularly afraid of the dark, and his overactive imagination leads him to believe at any point in time a monster, ghost, or bug will scare him. One day, his friend suggests that he try exploring the paranormal in order to conquer his fears. Anton decides to take this advice and begins attempting to summon supernatural beings that can help him overcome his phobias. But things take a dark turn when Anton is unexpectedly knocked unconscious during one of his summoning attempts. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a strange, dark forest filled with terrifying creatures, that feel familiar to the ones in his dreams. As he tries to navigate this new and dangerous world, Anton comes face to face with human-headed bugs with horns and mouthless, long creatures that seem to have a mind of their own. He must summon all his courage and creativity to survive in this terrifying environment and find a way back home.
Main Characters: Anton