Please help me get these characters in, or at least provide reference images for them...

[some, I can't use, so I need help.]

Kurosoul, Thomas, Dashpad, and Falvite have up to the bust/half bodies.

Iscariot's reference, I cannot use the without permission [unless Match says so]

There are no Proper colors for Kairisma- okay, you can draw JERRY with Kairisma, if you want. he actually has his proper colors.

Yu is a special case... IF you want to design for her; you have to go through customs. specifically Yu or the other

Content warning ahead// Yu's OTHER design

If you plan to draw Yu with the parasite on her back; body bag? specifically say 'Yu BBG'. thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Tyler is... Tyler. and that's really it.

OH, if you plan to draw any other design like 'Sleepytime' or 'Iscariot OG', just call them by codename, TH name, or link them by DM. They WILL be implemented in Artfight, if you happen to help those out