The Dark Seed Series


  • Cat ages are subject to change, depending on if I got my timeline math wrong, but the general rules are:
  1. Kits are 0-6 moons old.
  2. Apprentices are usually 6-11 moons old and are seen as children/teenagers.
  3. When a cat is 12 moons (aka 1 year) old, they are recognized as adults and will graduate from their apprenticeship, and thus become "elites".
  4. Senior elites are recognized at around 5-6 years old.
  5. Elderly cats often retire starting at 8 years old.

6. Cats generally live in groups called chowders but some fall outside of said allegiances if they're strays, exiles, runaways, alley cats, etc.

7. Cats who are deemed good/worthy when they die join The Stars, cats who are punished for their actions in life go to The Rot, and those in between go into Purgatory to rethink their life's actions until eventually joining either afterlife. Generally, a cat's position in any afterlife can be subject to change based on their actions in the afterlife.

  • Since this series is still a work in progress, some information about cats is subject to change, such as allegiances and if certain cats live or die throughout the narrative.