Other Characters

All characters here are either open for rp or just random characters I like but didn’t fit into my normal stories. Many in here I MAY consider trades on but I will be very very picky and some I will consider nearly off limits. I’ll tag them with tiers to help guide what are harder or easier to win me over on, but regardless I don’t take any lowball offers on any of these characters.

Tier 0 - will Be a hard no. Ask away I guess but you will most likely be disappointed 

Tier 1 - very tentative and will be looking for very good offers, either because I love their design or am very attached to a concept I made for them

Tier 2 - less tentative, but still going to be picky, either because they’re connected to other designs or I like their design/concept a lot, but if I can get a fair exchange for them I’m willing to consider it

Tier 3 - I either don’t have much emotional attachment to them or they haven’t quite “clicked” for me but I still do like them. Still won’t take lowball offers or low quality designs, but they’d be the easiest to get