my dollhouse of Guys

Where all my characters go to live together in my dollhouse in a nice happy fantasy land where everything is okay and there is no hidden darkness lurking no sir absolutely not

Every character is classed into 1 of 3 species, which can then further be sorted into subspecies from there.
The three main species are as follows:
- Werebeasts
- Fae
- Humanoids

Werebeast information:
Basically any creature sporting animalistic features while not exhibiting natural magic like in cases of the fae. These can be furries, ferals, catboys/girls, or even monster type creatures that just exist in their own form. Werebeasts can learn magic, but what makes them a werebeast is that they are not inherently magic.

Fae information:
Fae have many more niche subspecies among them, such as fairies, wishes, ghosts, spirits, celestial beings, etc. Fae have the most diversity among what the species may look like, and can often be confused with werebeasts or humanoids. What distinguishes Fae is that they are typically born or created of and/or with magic. Their entire existence revolves around magic; their creation, their life, their death, even potential offspring are all determined by the type of magic they have.

Fairies, for example, are born of magic from their parent(s). To create an offspring, a fairy needs to concentrate their magic into a single thought, hope, or wish for their future offspring. From there, any number of other fairies can contribute their own hopes and magic to the "child" which will also help determine the traits that the fairy is born with. Say a single parent made of light magic created an offspring. As the only contributing magic to this child is light, that is the only thing that the child can be. It's a bit similar to asexual reproduction in plants and lizards, except with a slight variation in appearance depending on the family lineage. (i.e. a family comprised of incredibly similar looking dragonfly fairies will likely only yield another dragonfly fairy that looks just like the rest of the family, while a family comprised of many different types of fairies will be more likely to yield a more randomized fairy that inherited traits from its ancestors.)

Humanoids information:
This is one of the most restrictive species, as there are not many subspecies to exist within it. There are elves, humans, and aberrations. Among them, the humans can train to become witches or wizards! Witches focus more on the potions and brews part of magic while wizards focus on spells and scrolls more. There are of course many other career options, this is just in case any are magically inclined.

Something of note: Humans and elves are typically not inherently magical. To practice magic, no matter their class, they have to draw on magic from their surroundings or their deities. Meanwhile, aberrations are a type of anomaly among humanoids. They come inherently magical, although not in the way that fae are. Aberrations are able to create and alter things in the world by using a type of magic from within them. Such magic can be growing bones into various shapes and being able to detach and wield them, or altering the way the aberration moves so that they are silent or much faster than any natural being. Much of the aberrations magic only affects themselves, the only exceptions being incredibly rare when an aberration can create things and sustain them outside of their own bodies.