
"Waves crash with anxiety, another sleepless night..."

The Precursor Race

"Imagine a thousand strings; each playing its own range of notes, none louder than the others. Each one builds harmony--a continuous thrum in the background of existence. I am now a lone string in search of familiar harmonies."

Survivors and the Degasi

"What is a wave without an ocean? A beginning without an end? They are different, but they go together. Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand. We are different.. But we go together."

Leviathans & Fauna

"Perhaps next we meet I will be an ocean current, carrying seeds to a new land.. Or a creature so small, it sees the gaps between the grains of sand."


"But.. What's the point in surviving here, if we have to kill everything that makes this place so wonderful?"

With you, I am ready to face whatever awaits."