Black Market Barge

Black Market Barge
The Barge is a store of mystery and a store of oddities. As are it’s two owners, Barra and Shaa Shaa.  There is no set schedule for when the barge appears on the beach outside town, yet it never goes unnoticed, Zara always seeming to know when it’s about to show up. She seems to have a history with the owners, Shaa Shaa making sure to always have medical supplies for the town’s clinic. The barge caring many things the town can’t get easily as well as many oddities from other regions.  If you need something all one needs to do is ask, and the Barge will do it’s best to locate the item no questions asked. Though anyone trying to use the Barges services for something nefarious always seems to find them selves unable to remember what they were asking about. The Barge is very particular about keeping it’s good track record as a completely safe shop.