Crag Cliff Cove

Crag Cliff Cove  (southern forest)

Crag Cliff has the distinct  Title of the only large scale sea port city in the mostly land locked nations. Able to take in and house large scale sea worthy vessels and ships.  Whereas most other small-scale port cities only have the odd fishing fleet. Crag Cliff has vessels that travel across the ocean to far away lands and is considered the gate way to the world. As foreign trade items come in through it’s gates and travelers on a mission for adventure depart.  The city influence on trade is so great that it could be considered the economic power of raw materials to the realm.  For Both good and bad reasons this puts the City and it’s ships at both risk of those trying to raid it’s valuables and under the protection of those that want to not have there trade routs interrupted. This coming into effect more on the city’s dark market underground then the legitimate public trade face.The secret war conflict of Q-tec industries the vampiric empire and the watch all having stakes and a silent agreement to work together for the betterment of all against the more unlawful powers that would not fret at commandeering a shipment or even sinking ships.To be a pirate is a very profitable occupation if one can take down just one of the sea trade ships, but it also has the strongly enforced penalty of death if one is caught.  As there is far greater powers then just a navel fleet used to keep personal items secure.

The City is build in the half moon Cove of two shear Cliff faces the raven of the river that empties into the cove separating the city into too many areas of wooden shakes and structures. The higher up on the cliff face one can afford the better a standard of living one has. A sign of rank ad wealth even. The town is mostly inhabited by ship writes sailors fishermen and traders.  The running joke of the realm is the townsfolk care more about the upkeep of the docks then they do their own homes as the sea is there life. The city is a center of commerce for all aspect of the sea. 

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