Frozen Fangs

Frozen Fangs  

The Frozen Fangs are the ice reaches on the northern border of the realm. The Fangs are an isolated cold hellscape. The unnatural cold and storms that rage on the actual mountains tops makes them nearly impossible for anyone to live in the upper mountains. The mountain range is a baron land scape of snow and pines trees. There is not really many locations in the upper ranges that any one tries to visit regularly. The one exceptions being the citadel of glass the powerful magical location responsible for the severe cold magic of the area and the home location of the two guardians of the area said to be the two elder alpha of the wear wolves clans. The foot hills and the middle reaches of the Frozen Fangs are the known locations of many of the realms wear wolves clans. There magic and thick fur protecting them form the fangs icy magic and giving them the security and safety from the rest of the realms and more importantly the vampiric empire. The different Tribes staking claims to different mountains and offering trades of fur and the mountain flowers to those of the foot hills and Silver Stream.