Offer To Adopt

DM Vampyri to claim.

Please Vampyri in the comments so they can see your replies!
 You must have a ToyHouse to claim!

- Offer To Adopt - 

USD > Wishlist > Species > OCs > Art

 USD ( $ 15 - $ 80 )

 - Extras -  
Extras cost an additional USD price added to the offer.
Extras may vary depending on the adopt. Check the individual adopt to view.

Main Wishlist | ToyHouse OCs Wishlist
( Wishlist covers OCs, Bases, and desired Games. )

Click to view Vampyri's preferences when regarding trades.

Art ( Picky. Most likely will decline. )

DM Vampyri to claim.
 You must have a ToyHouse to claim adopts!